Friday, December 28, 2012


Christmas was a blast this year.  For the most part.  Our fist Christmas gathering was at my parent's house.  Carter was the biggest whiny baby that I have ever seen.  He is SUCH a jealous little boy, but it's only at my mom's house.  Since he has been the only grandchild in the family for way over a year, he has never had to share my parents or all the toys in his playroom. 

This Christmas we had two beautiful children that we pray so hard will make Justin and Casey a family of 4.  They are two angels that God put into our lives and everyone already loves them just like they do Carter.  Carter will for sure have a little best friend....someday.  As for now, he does not like anyone to show them any kind of attention, especially my mom.

So Carter literally walked around the house just screaming, crying and throwing the biggest fit you ever did see.  So we ignored him for the most part thinking that was the quickest way to nip that in the bud.  No way are we putting up with that.  So while he was doing his thing everyone else opened up presents and had a grand ol' time. 

The next two Christmas gatherings, at my Nana's and Nick's parents, Carter did very well.  We have come to the conclusion that Carter has no idea what a present is.  He don't know that he has to unwrap them to get to the present.  So all he wanted to do was climb on the boxes or push them around like they were on wheels.  He just thinks that toys magically appear at our house in the living room.  Maybe next year, big guy.  We will work on it at our 2nd birthday.

Needless to say, Carter got waaaayyyyy to much!  Way way too much.  Both families definitely went all out for him.  We need to add on a separate garage just for all of his cars, trucks, hummers, 4-wheeler, wagon, tri-cycle, ect.  It's is so crazy in our house right now and I honestly think it is overwhelming Carter, because he has no idea where to start playing.  He still has birthday presents that have not been put together and now we have tons of Christmas presents to add to them.  It is so hard to put any of them in storage because he plays with them ALL!!  There is not a single toy that he has ever gotten that he does not play with.  It is a good problem for him to have is a problem.  I have got one spoiled little boy.  His favorite toy at the moment is his remote control race tracks.  That thing that keep his attention for the longest time.  He also got his first gun that he gets to put in the gun safe with all of daddy's.  Thanks Aunt Patti!

So my plans in the next couple of days weeks are to try to find a place for everything and get my house back in order after I take the Christmas tree down along with all the other decorations.  Yippee.

And I could tell you about my stomach bug that I have had the last couple of days...but then you just may look at my differently from now on.  So I will save you those details.  Just glad it's over and that I'm back at work.  I am trying so desperately to gain back those 5 pounds lost and eating everything in sight.  Glory Hallelujah!!

Friday, December 21, 2012


Christmas is in 4 days.  What the what???  How did that happen so fast?  Seems like a couple months ago I was recording Carter see all of his presents from last Christmas.  Anyways, I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees some of his presents this year.  I may be a tad more excited about these gifts than he will be.  And the best part about it, Nick and I didn't have to spend a dime on any of it.  We bought it, and my mom, Nana, and other family members didn't have anything for him so they bought them from us.  So, technically he won't be getting anything from us, besides the fact that we dropped nearly a grand on a new breathing canal, but that's okay. 

Carter has moved up to 18-24 month pants and 2T shirts.  Yikes.  Growing fast now.  He is eating really good right now; hungry all the dang time.  He is currently scared of EVERYONE!!  I was wanting to think that it is because his surgery traumatized him a little and that it will pass quickly.  But I am starting to accept the fact that it is a phase that might be here for a little while.  Yuck.  It is NOT a good color on him.  He has always been skeptical about other people but it is 100 times worse!  This needs to pass soon, because it is driving us bonkers.  Everywhere we go he is hanging on to our legs for dear life like a leech.  But hey, I'll take a shy and quiet kid any day as long he is healthy!

A couple days ago my Nana and I put up her Christmas tree and I helped her wrap all of her gifts for her.  I can honestly say that it is a memory I will forever cherish.  We have so much fun together all the time, but for some reason this time was so much more precious to me.  I didn't want to leave.  Then this morning we cooked breakfast together and talked.  You want some Godly and honest advice, she is the woman you need to talk to.  I appreciate her so so much.  I don't tell her near enough.  She is so so dear to me.  I keep telling myself that she is immortal and I will never have to live without her.  For sure my best friend.

Anywho, I've got a very hot date tonight with my Nick.  He is taking me to watch a movie, eat, and let me pick out my Christmas present.  How precious is he?  I am so glad that I have a husband that still likes to date me.  The little trouble maker is staying with my mom and dad while we go.  I debated on letting him stay the night with them tonight, but then quickly reconsidered.  I'm not ready for that yet!  I'm a little crazy.

I'm sure you won't hear from me until after the holidays.  So Merry Christmas to all and a very very happy near year. 

Which reminds me....I have to come up with a new years resolution.  Ya know, so I can break it.

Saturday, December 15, 2012


Not all that much going on with us right now.  I am a hunting widow this whole weekend.  That means that I get a break from cooking for a husband that eats as much as two men.  Seriously I don't know how he does it.  I know exactly where Carter gets his appetite from!  Carter is slowly gaining his weight back that he lost after surgery and I sure hope that it don't stop there and he just takes off!

It's amazing how quiet he is breathing.   No more snorting, snoring, getting choked up at night...such a relief!  So glad the doctor went ahead and decided to do the surgery at such a young age.  He is so  much more comfortable.

I am so ready for Carter to open up all of his presents this year.  He is getting some pretty neat stuff yall! 

Nana and I took a short trip to Texarkana so she could finish up her Christmas shopping. It was a mad house. Little monkey tagged along with us an shopping with him is like shopping with Tasmanian devil. He was all over the place so I only bought a couple of things. But we had fun.

Carter is a little whiney baby here recently. So ready for that little phase to end.  And talk about jealous!!!! He does not like any other kid hanging around me or my mom or he starts crying. First child syndrome for sure!!

Carter loves Asian food. He killed some chicken teriyaki and rice today at the mall.

That's all the random stuff I got for you today.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Better Days

Our house is back to normal finally....finally!!  It sure was a rough week after Carter's surgery.  His little throat was so sore.  I really thought we were in the clear the day that we got home and he was eating, drinking and playing.  Even the next day he was very active.  But by the third day....holy moly.  He was terrible!!  I guess there is a reason why the doctor told us it would take 5 days.  Carter took about 6 days.  He went without eating for 4 days straight and not drinking.  Literally, the only thing that he was living off of was watermelon, pedialyte and popsicles....and even those were forced.  He would not even drink milk.  He got to where he was skin and bones and was not active in the least bit.  So if I was not holding him, this is what he was doing.

He finally got to where he would take a nap in our big bed, without me, so when he went down for his short naps I did Flight of the Bumble Bee cleaning trying desperately to get my house back into livable order.  It is slowly but surely looking like a home again.  The laundry that I have piled in the laundry room is no joke.  They are all clean and we have been living out of that pile for days now, but at least they are clean.  Operation laundry put up will be my mission tonight when I get off of work.
Then finally by the 6th day he decided he didn't want his mom to jump off a bridge so he chilled out alittle and started back eating, drinking, and being more independent again.  Praise. The. Lord.
He is getting into a little habit of waking up without letting us know, at night, and wandering around the house looking for us.  Baby gate going up for sure at his door!
Nick's parents sent him home with a little train track and trains that go round and round and Carter likes to sit in the middle of the train track, watch it go around about 4 times, then make the trains crash.  He laughs so hard at himself.  He is also obsessed with racing tracks for his little cars.  Christmas shopping for him was so super easy this year.
 The Grinch, AKA me, is no longer a grinch.  My Nana and I ran to Texarkana yesterday and I got ALL of my Christmas shopping done.  Well pretty much all.  I have my dad left, which he is the hardest man on the planet to shop for.  But I am DONE!!  I have bidded for something on ebay for Carter and the time runs out in t minus 39 minutes...and I am the only bidder!  I sure hope we win because it's cool!
My mom got me a Kindle Fire HD and OMG am I ever in love?!?!?  Yessiirrrr!!!!  I made her give it to me early so I could play and read.  Nick says I am on it way too much and he is going to give me "Kindle Time" about 2 hours a day then take it away and hide it from me til the next day.  What a loser awesome husband.
Speaking of...I have some down time at work and the Kindle is calling.  Adios!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bad Days

Our days and nights have got to get better soon. Got to.

Carter  decided not to eat or drink anything as of yesterday around lunch. He ate a huge bowl of oatmeal mixed with banana and loved it.  Then he wouldn't eat anything after that. I tried all of his favorites: green peas, raisins, yogurt, roast beef, cottage cheese..... He was not having any of it.   Then as of last night he decided not to drink either. No milk, juice, pedialite..... Nothing. And keep in mind that I have been having to give him antibiotics three times a day which is tearing his stomach up and giving him the runs....which is making him dehydrated. He ate quite a bit if watermelon last night before bed so that eased my worry a tad bit.

This morning is the same thing. Won't eat, fussy, won't drink, needy. I have noticed that he is nt having wet diapers like he should so I have been shoving pedialite Popsicles and watermelon down his throat.  It's either that or go to ER and start an IV for fluids. He is very active and happy now and he did eat several black eyes peas so maybe it will turn around.

It don't stop there.

After we put him down last night Nick and I was looking forward to having a good peaceful night together watching a movie. We got all settled on the couch and it hit is both like a train. I started feeling like I was going to throw up and next thing I knew nick was running to the bathroom. We have a stomach bug. Our whole body is hurting. Joints, spine, fingernails, nose hairs.... All aching.

Poor nick had to still go work cows this morning and work in air conditioners at the hotel and that left me caring for a very cranky and hard headed child. I called mom to see if she could keep him and she is still in bed with the same symptoms.

On top of all that my house is a complete train wreck. It has to be the worst it's ever been. At this point it would just be easier to move instead of clean it all. I need an army to help me an it would take a good week.

And the doctor said that Carter's breath would stink for a couple days after this surgery but DANG!!! It is rank y'all!!!

So I am going to try to put the hoodlum down for a nap, lay down with him ad try to recover somewhat.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


So this is going to be typed on my phone so I apologize in advance for all the typos.

Where do I start? For kicks and giggles lets just go back to yesterday evening, shall we?

We picked Carter up from the babysitter and he was perfectly fine and happy. We came home and played and had the best time and he felt great. Nick wanted to take us out to eat so we went to Mr. Pancho.  Carter ate what he has eaten a million times..... Acacado and chicken with a couple goldfish and raisins.  All went well and we went home. I gave Carter a bath and e played like a maniac.  He all of a sudden started getting a little fussy. Then our night from h-e-double hockey sticks started.....

Carter walked up to me and put his head on my shoulder, I hugged him, he raised his head then threw up ALL over me.  Nick just sat there and stared at us. I finally had to literally yell at him to get his butt in gear to help, which made carter even more upset, which made him throw up on me again.  By this time I am gagging.  Throw up down my shirt, in my hair, then all down my back. Fun times. Long story short.... I was thrown up on three more times, nick was thrown up on twice. After I had 3 showers, Carter two more baths, two loads on laundry, couch scrubbing, 8 towels, and 2 different bed Sheets later, we finally got him comfortable and in our bed.  But since he had thrown up all his liquids and he could not have anything after midnight he started whining and saying juice over and over. Nick and I got a total of 2 hours of sleep and then had to be up at 5 30 to leave for Texarkana for his surgery and at that time we had no clue as to whether they were even going to do it with him throwing up.

Nick and I were totally lost when it comes to this kind of sickness. Carter has never drooled, maybe spit up 3 times, and he has only thrown up a small amount once when he over ate a while back.  It went from that to cupping throw up in our hands and wiping it off our face. Yeah......

So we get to the surgery center and carter is laughing and playing like nothing ever happened while nick and I are complete zombies. They decide to do the surgery. I didn't cry at all, which shocked me. The surgery went quick and easy and carter did amazing. He is doing so good I am about convinced they didn't even do anything. He has eaten mashed potatoes and watermelon and has kept it down and taking his medicine like a champ.  He played outside for a couple hours but he gets very tired easily so he has taken three naps today. All in all I am a happy mommy and very thankful for good doctors and prayer!! Thank you to everyone who prayed, called, and texted.

We are glad that this little journey is over and looking forward to having a healthy baby for once.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Stress Level Maxed Out

Stress level is out the roof top!  I'm sure that most of you probably saw on Facebook that my baby boy is having surgery Tuesday morning to have his adenoids removed.  He started breathing a bit heavy from his mouth about a week ago and we just figured he was stopped up with a cold.  Then about 4 nights ago he started waking up screaming and gasping for every 20 minutes.  Scared the ever living day lights out of us and him.  And when Carter is not getting much sleep....guess what...parents are not either.  If you can remember, he had this very same thing when he was about 10 months old when we went to the ENT at Children's.  Anyways, since he is old enough now, we took him to a place in Texarkana.  We told the nice doctor everything and he said that we could probably just do what we did last time and spray Nasanex in his nose to shrink the adenoids for the time being.  We wanted long term results, but we were ok with it.  He wanted to take an x-ray, though, just to see what we were dealing with.  He came back and was very worried and said that we he needed to have his adenoids removed ASAP because they are blocking over 90% of his airway.  Oh. My. Lord.   We are spraying Nasanex in his nose to shrink them some until his surgery.

But some good news---the doctor said that this should fix a lot of Carter's sickness and he should be much happier and feel like a different kid.  He also said for us not to be surprised if he starts to grow at a rapid speed after surgery.  He said that Carter's body and brain have been deprived from having all the oxygen it needs for so long and it is about to play catch up.  So maybe that is the answer as to why we are having a hard time putting weight on him. 

I was pretty upset about it at first but now that I am laying all the pros and cons out there I am super excited for him.  Carter has no idea what it is like to have a full night's sleep on a regular basis, he is constantly sick and not feeling well, running fever, and on an antibiotic.  I pray so hard that this will fix all of that.  But don't think for a second that I take for granted the things that he does have.  He is smart, he can walk, run, be active, and put away food like you would not believe.  So, I am thankful for his swollen adenoids if that's all we have to deal with.  Please just take time to pray for Carter, the surgeon, and Nick and me.  I know it will take a huge toll on me.

More good news...I am finally getting into the Christmasl spirit.  I (finally) got my tree all up and's nothing special and it don't even have a topper on it but hey, let's face it, it just a miracle that it's up.  I ordered some gifts that I swore I would not buy, and I am catching myself singing those annoying Christmas songs in my head. 

Other than all of that, we are doing really well.  I am having to work more recently than what I usually do and that's perfectly fine with me.  It was fun while it lasted, but I now have a work shift every week.  I absolutely LOVE the people that I work with so it is not problem at all.  I can say that we are truly a family here.

Sometimes you can walk in my house and it is spotless and other times it looks like a complete train wreck.  And this is why.

How someone so tiny can destroy a whole house is beyond me.  But he has fun destroying everything and it makes him happy so who am I to ruin his fun?  Our house is lived in and that's all you can say about it.  I try not to sweat the small stuff anymore.  There is just not point in it.
We have family/christmas pictures tomorrow at 3:15 with the famous Jenna Millwood.  Please cross your fingers that we have a happy baby on our hands for excellent pictures.  It's a coin toss on that one!  And I hope that Aunt Toshya or Aunt Casey is reading this because he needs a hair cut and if his hair makes the pictures look bad I only have yall to blame!! :)
So, the next post will probably be an after surgery post.  Again, please pray!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Funday

We went to church this morning and like we suspected Carter screamed when we dropped him off. He didn't cry long but he sure does put up a good fight when he does have a meltdown. We are going to have to get the nursery workers something real special for Christmas for having to put up with his tantrums.  Afterward Nick, Carter and I went and ate lunch at Starz. Then Carter and I came home and I put his pajamas right back on and he took a 2 hour nap while I cleaned and put up the Christmas tree, stockings, and other decorations.

I had doubts about putting up the tree to begin with but now I wish I would have stuck with that. Half my lights are not working.  So then I had to check every stinkin light bulb that was not working and finally found a broke one. But I don't have any spares. So, now I have to go to Walmart and buy a spare to see if that works but I am goin to buy a string of lights just in case!! Should have just left it in the box!!

I am on a roll about cooking dinner for the boys. So tonight I threw in some frozen chicken breasts in the crockpot along with some BBQ sauce, Garlic powder, and brown sugar. Then I decided to toss in some small red potatoes. I just might whip up some cornbread and black eyes peas and rice to go with it.  Tomorrow I am thinking ranch flavored baked pork chops that I found on Pinterest.  Easy meals is the key for this momma.

Aside from my dang tree..... Our Sunday has been a pretty good one. Feeling pretty thankful today.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Just call me the big ol' green Grinch.  I just can't get into the spirit of Christmas.  Just can't.  I don't know why because usually I am so flippin excited about this time of year.  But having to spend hundreds of dollars for Christmas gifts is just not on my to-do list.  I went Black Friday shopping at Walmart the other night and bought two $12.00 things, then I went shopping in Texarkana ALL day yesterday and didn't even get my wallet out.  I have just told everyone not to buy me anything because I'm not buying them anything.  Works for me.  I am good with just getting together and having a great meal and spending time with everyone.  I am buying for Carter, my 2 nephews and niece, my little cousin, and the one person that Nick and I each drew out of a hat.  That's it.  I honestly don't even think our Christmas tree is going up this year.  Pretty pathetic isn't it?  You are more than welcome to come do it for me...but if you have to take it down and pack it up too.  Either that or it just may stay up until Christmas next year.  I'm not going to get Carter's picture taken with Santa because I know he will just be terrified and what's the point?  You are more than welcome to talk me into having a good attitude about this year.  I need it.

I am very very proud of myself during Thanksgiving, though.  I didn't get off my diet (besides that dang cupcake today) and I am NEARLY back to my goal weight of 125.  Still got about 8 pounds to go.  I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!!!!!!!!!! I am now back into 4 pair of jeans that I have not fit in since my pregnancy.  AD and I have have taken 2 weeks off from working out which was a terrible decision on our part--because we are miserable and having withdrawals.  Working out and those wonderful endorphins bring peace and comfort to our hectic lives!  So starting Monday, we are hitting the gym HARD!!

While I was deep cleaning my house the other day I found my mp3 player that Nick bought me right after high school.  It's hilarious the songs that I actually downloaded on that thing.  My oh my how my taste have changed!  While I was flipping through the songs I was embarrassed at what I listened to.  I know Keatha can probably relate to this.  Black Betty!???  OMG!  So stupid.  I am thinking about keeping this thing just so I can let Carter listen to what his momma listened to at his age.  He will die.....from laughter.  But then again there are those classics that I will never get sick of listening to like "You and Me Go Fishin in the Dark," or Hinder songs, or "Turn Around  Bright Eyes."  Lots of flash back memories right there.

Carter is sleeping all night in his big boy bed and waking up dry.  That's big time folks.  He is completely healthy at the moment.  He does have slight congestion but I figure we will be dealing with that the whole winter.  That's nothing that a little Vick's and vaporizer can't help.  We are also going to bed earlier! Going down at 9:00-9:15 and sleeping until about 5:00 for a huge glass of milk then right back to sleep til about 8:30-9:00.  Loving it!  He just HAS to have that big glass of milk right before bed, at 5:00, then right when he wakes up for good.  I'm not talking about 5's like 12 oz. that he chugs down without stopping....every time.  That's like 36 oz in 12 hours.  Crazy.  Every now in then he will sleep all the way through til 9:00 but very rarely.

Ok, enough with then nonsense.  Time to get to work. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


*Catherine stands on soapbox*

The bad thing about running your own business, that never sleeps, is employees taking off and you having to work in their spot....during the holidays.  So, we are having to work tonight, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 2:00 til midnight.  Goodbye Thanksgiving with the family....maybe next year!  But the good thing about it is that we are completely booked solid...not a single room not reserved or rented Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  So at least I will be busy and not twiddling my thumbs. 

But until the crowd comes piling in, I am trying to order Christmas presents and pictures that I have not had made since Carter was 13 months old.....yikes.  This may take a while and it may be a pretty large order.  I am also searching frantically on the Internet trying to find some cute Christmasy/ dressy outfits for us to wear for our family photos/Christmas card shoot that we are taking on the 30th...of course last minute (and that is counting on my child not looking at a germ and getting the flu).  Since I don't have time to go out and actually shop I am having to buy online and probably pay like 30 bucks to have it rushed so it will be here on time.  I am just not on top of things this year.

While I am ranting and complaining...I might as well get it all out.

Last week Carter got Sick.  I know what you all are thinking........he is the sickest kid on the planet.  Totally agree.  It's driving me crazy.  But this time sick was an understatement.  He could not breathe out of his nose so I kept having to suck it out and clean it like every 10 minutes.  You would have thought I was killing him the way he was acting.  Nick had to hold him down while I did the sucking and cleaning.  The kiddo is strong.  He had fever and coughing his head off.  Then all of a sudden his eyes started having junk come out of them so then I was having to clean out his eyes literally every 5 minutes.  And when he slept they dried shut which scared the daylights out of him.  One morning we woke up and his eyes were nearly swollen shut and very red.  We finally got him on some antibiotics so he was miserable for only 2 days.  Here is a picture when he was about 80% better and he still looks terrible with swollen eyes.

I felt so bad for him and I was doing everything I could to make him more comfortable.  But he is all better now and back to sleeping all night in his own bed and eating more than me.
On top of all that...right in the middle of Carter being at his worst our refrigerator went out.  I think it was out for like a whole day before we even noticed.  Sad.  So everything that was in our freezer and most of everything in the fridge we had to throw away.  And that was a lot of Carter's meals that I had already made and froze and three gallons of milk (the two men in my house go through milk like I have never seen before).  How I found out that it had stopped working was I poured myself a huge bowl of cereal, poured my milk and took a huge bite of cereal and soured milk.  Awesome.  I'm just glad I didn't pour Carter a huge class and give it to him first.
Our luck has to turn around at some point...right?
*Catherine steps off of soapbox*
On a good note...Carter has learned to put some little wooden puzzles together and he is so close to learning how to brush his own teeth.  He loves brushing his teeth!  I pray he will always love it!  I made up a song about's pretty stupid...but he loves it.  So while I sing he brushes, smiles, and dances at the same time.  It's a sight!  And he still won't go to bed until he helps brush mine and daddy's teeth.  Just won't give it up.  Such an awesome kid!
Carter's new favorite food is steak.  The kid can put away some steak like you would never believe.  Nick is one proud daddy.  He has hit a MAJOR growth spurt in the last couple weeks.  Legs, arms, shoulders, and chest are filling out like crazy all while getting taller.  He has moved up to 18 month pants, which are getting too short, and 24 month and 2T shirts and size 6 1/2 shoe.  Maybe we should slow down on the red meats.  Looking more and more like his daddy every single day. 
Thank you for listening.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Days at Home

I got to take two days off from work and stay home with the little Mister this week.  Monday Lisa didn't keep the kids and my mom was busy and today Carter has let a cold and teeth get the best of him and he just don't feel good.   He is still playing like a wild child and eating a lot but he is very congested and snot is flowing out of his nose like a waterfall. 

This is what my living room has looked like both mornings when we woke up.
This is what it looked like literally 30 minutes after
As you can see he has an obsession with anything on wheels. He has to have them all out and he plays with every single one of them.  He pulls the couch cushions off and eats breakfast in the floor.....on the couch cushions.  Who needs a high chair??  Maybe he will learn one day that he will always have to put up his toys every night before bed and pulling everything out is really not worth it.
We have watched Mickey Mouse...a lot
We colored
The coloring started off kinda rocky because we had to pick color out of his teeth from the crayon he attempted to eat.
And I may or may not have attempted his first time out because he kept trying to color on my page!!  And he kept trying to get the colors I was using.  That was a hard pill for him to swallow.
Then once we were cooped up for way too long and I was about to pull my eyebrows out we had to go outside.
And I'm guessing that's why we are at home today with a really bad cold.  Bad Mommy decision!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Color Run

It was fun.  Next year I will be wearing protective eye wear and a face mask but you live and you learn.  My boogers are even colored.  I think we did amazing!  It was tough for me and Tosh to keep up with AD (she obviously took steroids before the race).  But we did it and we finished it in record time and we believe that it had to be our personal best.  Zero walking was involved.

Despite that it was my second time ever to stay a night away from Carter I had a great time!!  A night and day away from being a wife and mommy is good for the soul.  I got to sleep in Whitney's luxurious dreamy king size bed (without a certain little toddler pulling at my sheets wanting up with me) we ate some really good food, had some laughs, and got a really fun workout in. Felt good!! Time to find another race!!! It's pretty addicting.

Carter speech is moving right along. Instead of us asking "where's your truck?" and him point and say "there it is" we are now pointing to objects and asking him what they are so he can say them. So when we point to a bird and ask what it is his response is "duck chick" every time. He can say those two words but cant learn bird. Weird. It's pretty cute though. We are lettin him say words from his glad cards and add new ones every  now and then. But the only time he talks is when we ask him a question. He don't do it on his own free will. So if I never say anything to him I forget he is in the room he is so quiet. I'm hoping this gets better.

He is now back to giving me lots of kisses. He took a little break from it and I died inside but it's back!! I am loving it!!!!  He gives me the wettest kiss ever with his mouth wide open but it just melts me.

I have to work some tomorrow but then I plan on spending the rest of the day outside doing whatever the little king pleases.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What Up?

Hi!  Just thought I would drop in and let you know what we have been up to lately....which is not much.  Carter and I have been staying at my parent's house for the week while Nick is out of town.  Carter has had the time of his life being spoiled more than any kid should be spoiled. 

I went to Texarkana with my good friend, Elizabeth.  I sure have missed that crazy lady!  We had so much fun.  She is planning her wedding so we are going to start getting together every Thursday to work on it and I am looking so forward to it.  I am so honored to be a bridesmaid.

This Saturday is my 5k.....The Color Run.  We are going to run the whole thing.  We are ready!  I am looking forward to having a good time with great friends.

Carter gets to spend the evening with his Grammy (Nick's mom) while I go to my class and run afterward.  I know he will have fun with her....he always does.  For dinner I made him salmon, veggie salad (tomato, avocado, and carrots--his favorite!), watermelon, and yogurt.  He is going to chow down because he literally can't get enough of any of those things.  If I have done anything right as a mother, its that I have gotten him to eat healthy.  So proud of that.  There are lots of other areas that I can work on, I'm sure, but to me, thats one of the most important areas.

Saturday was our Scrapperette softball alumni game.  We had a great time!  I am so glad that I decided to participate.  I almost didn't with me having a crappy knee but it turned out great.  I pitched and I am still not quite sure how I got talked into pitching.  I have never slow pitched before in my entire life but I really enjoyed it.  I think I only walked one...which shocks me.  I went 1 for 3....which is not very good, but I need to accept the fact that I am getting old and feeble.  I did hit a home run....but it was only a 200 foot fence, but still!  I was proud.  Keatha was the only one missing....I missed her.  I needed someone besides Tonya to act a fool with.  Even with the umpires on our side (Terry Ray and my dad) we still could not pull off a win.  But again, it was loads of fun and I can't wait until next year.

My baby daddy will be back with us tomorrow and I can't wait!!  I really hate it when he is gone and Carter does to.  We may just have to pack up and go with him on the next one.

Well, it's about 30 minutes until class time and I still have to make myself look presentable.  Even though I am all natural beauty (bahahaha) I still need a little help sometimes.  So to the makeup pouch I go!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Just Stuff

Today I get the privilege of haning out with the sweetest, most handsome, well-mannered and toughest guy I know!!  Thursdays are the days that he usually gets to spend with his Mia but she had some stuff to do today.  So we are having fun at home reading books, letting Mickey Mouse and Jake and the Neverland Pirates entertain us, eating tons of snacks, and playing chase.  I sure do love days like these with him.  With me working at the hotel and working out every day and Carter going to Mrs. Lisa's, I really don't get to see and spend time with Carter until after 5:00-6:00.  It allows him to spend time with both sets of grandparents so I that's a plus, I guess.

His appetite is back full force!!!  His dinner last night was about 15 baby shrimp, 1/2 a sweet potatoe, vanilla yogurt, a whole banana, lots of strawberries, beans, and pieces of Nick's steak.  Then later he had lots of raisens.   So for dinner tonight he is having sautéed mushrooms. We will just see what all the little garbage disposal will eat.

No more words.....I got to learn to be patient.

Carter had a great Halloween. He absolutely positively loved being in his costume. He thought he was hot stuff being a big ferocious dinosaur. He was adorable!!!

We are lifting weights, running, then practicing softball today and I don't even feel motivated in the lest to do that. Laying around the house all day vein lazy is not good for me. I am way too good at it!!  The two hour nap I took with Carter has really got me feeling pretty pathetic.

But my 5k race is in like two weeks so I have got to suck it up. Then after that we are signing up for a 10k! Holy macaroni!!! I'm scared.

Monday, October 29, 2012


I have decided to start taking more pictures than what I have been.  This is going to be short and sweet.  Just wanted to share some pictures of my sweet and handsome boy from this weekend.  Hope you enjoy.

Sweet tea anyone?

Pouring Aunt Casey some tea

He loves his Nana

Finally cold enough to break out the footed pajamas that my Mia got me!

Ready to go see Mrs. Lisa, Ava, and Lane this morning.  It's been too long!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Yesterday and this morning has been a better day with Carter.  He slept all night in his bed last night by himself and that was a HUGE help to me.  He still has his moments that one little thing can set him off and he just decides to go off on everyone within a 10 foot radius of him but at least it's not all day like it was.  Still no appetite....right when his weight started to spike, somewhat, he decides he don't need food for survive.  When all else fails.....cheerios and raisens always come to my rescue.

He loves crashing his trucks, cars, tractors....anything on wheels.  He rolls them off the couch and watches them roll.  Every time he does that I yell CRASH!!  He said crash last night twice for the first time after he sent them rolling.  He should be able to say it by now!!  He has only heard me say it about a million times.  Then when it was time to go to bed I said tell Daddy night night (like I do every night).  He said night night!  Go on with ya bad self, Carter!!  I love hearing his little voice.  Music to my ears.  So, it's coming slowly....but he's catching on!  Now I just wish he would say words on a regular basis instead of every now and then.  Then I would really be a happy mommy!!

Today at 2:00 we are celebrating Craig's birthday.  You better believe that I am going to chow down on something sweet.  Diet goes completely out the window today.  It's okay though because tomorrow is Monday and I always start over on Monday's. :)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cranky Carter

Having to get up at 4:45 a.m. to be at work on a Saturday is for the birds.  I hate that I had to leave my boy with him being sick and all.  AGAIN!!  102 fever, no appetite, cranky....the usual.  I swear he is allergic to the weekends.  I took him to the doctor yesterday and everything looked okay so like always, he said it is a virus and he has been seeing kids with it all day.  If there is a virus within 20 miles of Carter, he will get it. 

For two days now, Carter has been the crankiest kid on the planet, and that is so unlike him.  If someone looked at him the wrong way he was crying.  If I offered him a snack he was crying.  If I tried to pick him up he was crying.  If I left him alone he was crying.  There was nothing that I could do to change his mood.  There was a time that I almost got in the floor and cried with him.  Finally, yesterday evening, I pulled him across the floor while he sat in a cardboard box in the kitchen, while making trucks sounds, and that got some smiles.  So, hopefully today will be a better day for him and for the sake of me not pulling my hair out.  He did not have fever at all last night and he slept really well.  So, come on 2:00!!!  I need to take care of my boy!

I have been coughing my head off for 3 days now and it's really starting to get on my nerves.  My stomach muscles are sore from tightening up every time I cough.  A six pack would be nice but I don't want one that bad!  So I have been sucking on cough drops like they are going out of style and I have just about used a whole bottle of Vick's vapor rub.

Please rest of the weekend, be good to us!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

18 Months

My baby boy is 18 months old.  So not a baby anymore.  His smile still melts my heart just like it did when he smiled for the first time when he was 4 days old.  I honestly hate that he is growing up.  I like him being totally innocent and loving to love on me and be with me.  I'm just not sure how much longer I will have until he no longer wants to be with me.  I love giving him his baths, dressing him, putting his shoes on for him, ect.  The list could go on and on and I know that all too soon he will be able to do that for himself.  I know that one day I will miss changing diapers on his cute little tooshie.  I love you to the moon sweet boy of mine!


On to the stats of my big boy:

-Weight-23 lbs. 11 oz. 20%
-Height-32 3/4 inches 70%
-Head -18 3/4 inches 45%

Carter's doctor did a happy dance that is weight has come up.  It went from 5% to 20% in only a couple months.  THANK THE GOOD LORD ABOVE!  Now if we can just keep this up.  He was not worried about his height since it has always been there but the weight we were.

The times that Carter wakes up screaming in the middle of the night and during naps are caused by night terrors.  He said the biggest reason why kids have them is because they get overtired.  That is very possible with Carter since he usually only gets one nap, usually about 2 hours, a day and that's it.   Then we can't get him to bed any earlier than 9:30! Yes, he needs much more sleep than that.  It's something we are really going to work on!

He was okay with how many words he can say and very happy with all that he understands. I mean yes he wished he was saying more but not worried about it yet.  But it seems that he is learning a new word a week and I only hope it becomes a new word every other day.  He had one of his trucks books so the doctor got to hear him say truck about 30 times.  Then before he left Carter waved bye bye to him and shook his hand.  Then the mean nurse came in with her mean needle and he got the mean Flu shot.  He cried for a short time, then saw a truck outside the window and yelled truck....of course.

On a totally different note

AD and I ran over 5 miles yesterday in town.  WE. ARE. BEASTS.  Up and down hills without stopping.  Yes, we rock.  We know.

Monday, October 22, 2012

I know that I am way late on getting on board with Pinterest, but I am now officially obsessed.  I got to be honest though, I really thought all of you that kept posting about Pinterest needed to seriously get a life.  So, I am apologizing deep from the bottom of my heart.  I really am.  Because I am now a Pinterest Goo Roo!  I love it!!  My husband even thinks it's pretty neat.  I have already tried like 7 things off of it.  Well really 9 things but 2 of them were not successful.  Let's start with the successful things.  First I tried these really cool banana, yogurt, and peanut butter treats.  They are really good and a very quick tasty snack when I am tempted to go for some chips.  I won't go into detail on how to make them, you can look it up, but here is my ending product.  It's no near as pretty as the ones on Pinterest.  After you are done, you freeze them and put them in a Ziploc baggy.  So good!

The next thing I tried is washing my hair with beer and baking soda.  Whhhaaaat???  Shut the front door!!  My hair feels like new hair!  It is wonderful.  But you have been warned--don't do it right before you go out in public unless you want to smell like a brewery.  But do won't be disappointed.

Third thing I tried was cleaning my microwave with 1 cup of hot water and 1 cup of vinegar. You put those two ingredients in a cup and heat in microwave for 10 minutes.  Then when it is done the yucky stuff comes off in one swipe with a paper towel.  Works like a charm.

Fourth and fifth things that I tried was with my BFF, Holli, Saturday.  These were her finds.  First she cut the insides out of the strawberries, we melted the dark chocolate chips in the microwave, then spooned  the chocolate in the center of the strawberries with a spoon.  Less of a mess and oh so good.  It's pretty much like biting into small pieces of Heaven.  DO IT!!!  Again, Pinterest's strawberries looked lots prettier. But I can tell ya, my taste buds couldn't care less about what they looked like.

Not sure if these were Pinterest inspired or not but we also made some pepper thingy's with cream cheese, bacon, and pepperoni.  I had to leave before they cooked them so I didn't get to taste any but they looked amazing!!

Aside from Pinterest talk, I had a great time with Holli.  We got to catch up on so much and it was just what the doctor ordered for me.  I needed some Holli time.  Even if you don't know them, please pray for her Peepaw.  He is in the hospital with phenomnia and congestive heart failure.  Please please just take time and remember him in your prayers.  He is such a sweet and special man.

Moving right along.

I also made some Nutella cookies.  They were edible but not the best.  I don't recommend them.  If you do, eat them with milk!

The things that were not the least bit successful had to do with my hair.  Shocker!!  I tried a braid thing on the side of my head while my hair is looked like a 4 year old did it.  And then I tried to tease the back like the tutorial showed me and it looked like a rat lived in my hair.  God did not grant me with girly ways when it comes to hair and makeup.  I have accepted it and I am moving on!  I'm so over it!  I also don't see myself doing half of the crafts stuff that I repin but they are so cool and something my mom would do in a heart beat.  She is the crafts God.

The thing that I look at the most are the diet and fitness stuff.  It is very motivating and keeps me on track.  I also love the organization pins.

"We can build you a house and you can decorate it and put whatever you would like in it."  Said Nick never.  But if he did build me a house I would have the best looking house in all the land.  There are some great ideas.

AND I can wait until my next wedding.  It will be AMAZING!! ;)

My next project is......

Pretty cute, right?  

On to Carter

He has added shoes (choos) to his vocabulary and when I say chicken, he said chic.  Close enough.  He is more obsessed with his books and flash cards now then ever.  He is starting to point to pictures and say them and he loves for me to ask where things are so he can show off that the knows where they are.  After he points to one he looks at me and we can't move on until Nick and I clap for him.  His favorite book is the one with all the different vehicles in it.  He is obsessed with trucks, tractors, cars, and heavy machinery.  And he absolutely LOVES monster trucks.  He says dump truck or just truck about 100 times a day and that is no exaggeration.  One of his favorite things to do in the evening is ride down to the highway on the ranger and sit and look at all the vehicles go by and he says truck and car the whole time.  So can you guess what his theme for his 2nd birthday is going to be???  TRUCKS!!!

Something else that he does that he does----I bought him some number magnets for the fridge from Walmart.  He will get all of the 8's, 9's and 6's, and 3's and bring them in the living room.  He then seperates them in little piles. A little OCD maybe?  He will stand there and search until he has them all separated. It takes lots of concentration on his part and he will stick with it until it is done.  It's pretty interesting to watch.

He is also eating with a spoon by himself like a champ!

I think I have brain-washed my child.  I set down a bowl of tomatoes and a bowl of cookies in front of him just to see what he would do.  I was just curious.  He went straight for the tomatoes and ate them in about 30 seconds, then cried for more.  I tried to give him cookies and he threw an even bigger fit for more veggies.   

Well tomorrow is his 18th month check up.  I do think he is gaining a little weight but I don't see him getting any taller from the way his clothes are fitting.  I guess we will see tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Awesome Week

I have had a week from you know where.  I don't even know where to start.

1.)  Nick left Thursday night to go to Colorado for his annual hunting trip.  No biggie.  I decided to put my big girl panties on and stay by myself, unlike every other hunting trip.  I usually go stay with my parents.  Carter had been sleeping all night long in his own bed for over a week.  So, of course the night Nick leaves, Carter decides to wake up like 5 times that night and ends up in the bed with me.  The same thing happened Friday night.  I was bound and determined that the next night would be better.  And I have learned just how much help Nick is to me.  You never know til they are gone.

2.)  My family reunion was Saturday afternoon.  That went great and everyone enjoyed themselves.  I got home after dark to find my front door standing wide open and all the lights on which in turn made a perfect little cozy home for every bug on the planet.  So the first thing that pops in my head is West Nile Disease.  I run in the house grabbed some clothes for me and Carter and ran out real quick.  As I was driving to my parent's house, I blamed the whole scenario on Nick.  First because he was gone.  And second because he was the child that bought the little basketball goal, that wedghes between the door and jam, so he could play at night and watch tv at the same time.  That, in turn, requires the door to be shut harder than normal.  So it's his fault, true?

3.)  My dad had back surgery yesterday.  We were all nervous to begin with so Nana, Aunt Gloria, Mom, and I went up there to sit and be with him.  We had to wait on the dr. for two hours to get finished with the surgery that was before dad's.  That made us really uneasy.  After he finally went in for surgery Mom sent me, Nana, and Aunt Gloria to get dad a couple things--one being house shoes.  No one knew where the Walmart was in Hot Springs so we stopped at TJ Maxx.  No house shoes.  But I did manage to find some really nice and cheap Nike pants for Carter.  When we went back to my car to go somewhere else, I discovered that my keys were missing......locked inside the car.  So I looked under my car for my spare and remembered that I had just done this last week and my spare was inside the car as well.  I thought, no big deal, I got OnStar.  So I call the delightful people at OnStar and I never activated an account and they could not unlock my car.  This is when I started to get a little agitated.  I had to call roadside assistance.  Thankfully the guy that was coming to our rescue was about a mile away from us unlocking another women's car and he said he would not be long at all..  So I called in our lunch at The Purple Cow.  I got us all burgers, fries, and diet cokes.  About 1 1/2 hours later the unlock dude came.  Long story short--it took him a whole hour to unlock my tahoe.  Then he asked for 67.00 bucks for doing that.  About 20 minutes before he was done Mom called and said Dad was out of surgery and everything went well.  So we were not there for my mom in the waiting room.  Poor thing.  So after my Nana yelled at the poor guy we were on our way to The Purple Cow where we got our cold burgers, watered down cokes, and fries which was 50.00.  While we were waiting for the unlock dude Nana had to walk to Famous Footwear to get some 40 dollar house shoes.  So 67.00 + 50.00 + 40.00= some really expensive house shoes!!!!!!  Again, I blame this scenario on Nick for not reminding me to put my spare key back under my car.  He knew better!

4.)  On our way home from Hot Springs, my Nana just had to have a cup of coffee and I decided on a vanilla icecream cone from Sonic.  After we got our order, I was pulling out and hit a huge curb on the side of the road and my icecream fell upside down in my floor board and Nana's coffee went everywhere.  My nerves were shot by this time.  I blame the scenario on Sonic!  Who puts a curb where people pull out?!?  Seriously.

So as you can see none of this was my fault....I was just the victim

Needless to say, Nick is a vital part of my well being and I am so glad that he is coming home today....And Friday needs to hurry up and get here!

My sweet husband did send me a surprise package while he was gone----some really really cute black leather winter boots.  They are glorious and I gotta say he has some good taste.

On a very good note, my dad is doing great.  He has kept food down this morning and he has walked around.  He is sore but that's normal.  He will get to come home tomorrow.  I can't wait until he has made a full recovery.

I have more but I don't want to make this too long.  So til next time...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Black Dagger Brotherhood Series.....READ IT!!  The books have consumed me!  Yes, they are vampire books but so nothing like Twilight or anything like that.  It's so much more than that.  It literally brings out every emotion that you can think of out of you.  You will not be disappointed.  I promise!  For the love of a good read, just read it.  I believe that I have fallen in love with every male vampire that I have met through these books.  They can take my vein any day!! ;)  I think right now there are 6 books out and I am on the last book.  I do believe that she is still writing and there will be more.  Every book is awesome.

Moving right along.

We are all good!  We have gotten on a pretty great routine around here.  My awesome child has slept all night long for a solid week now.  That, in itself, is a miracle.  I think I have mentioned before that he is a totally different child, but it's even more evident now then ever before.  Mrs. Lisa is loving it!  She gets hugs from Carter pretty often now.  He is also very vocal!  He throws a real word in there every now and then but it's usually nonsense.  He tries so hard to mimic words that we say to him and he usually gets the first letter right but when he tries to say the whole word you never know what will come out.  He goes to sleep saying "the truck" and right when he wakes up he says "the truck".  It amazes me how much he truly understands that we say.  I can say, "let's put your shoes on," and he will bring me his shoes and sit down in front of me so I can put them on him.  He has toys in his bath that sticks to the wall and I can say, "stick your fish on the wall," and he will grab his fish and stick it on the wall.  I think it's only a matter of days until he really goes to making sense with words. 

He has really come out of his shell.  We have never been able to drop him off in the nursery at church without him crying the entire time, but Sunday he cried for maybe a minute and he was up and playing.  It really gives this mom a peace like no other.  So as many things as I can take him to out in public, that's what I am going to do.

So, as you can see things are really starting to come together for my boy.  I can see the light bulb in his head coming on quite often here lately.

He is taking a break from meat here recently--which I don't like.  He can put away some fruit and veggies, though, which is the most important part.  He is getting lots of protein from his milk and numerous other foods so it's not the end of the world, but I do hope this is a very short phase.  The only meat that he loves consistently is fish sticks, shrimp, and salmon.  But I can only give those to him once or twice a week because of mercury levels....or so I've read.

I have been pretty lazy with the pictures as you can probably tell.  So I have really got to get with the program on that.

AD and I ran 3 miles yesterday for our short run and today will be our long run.  We are shooting for 5 miles but if it turns out to be more then so be it!  But before that we are meeting at the gym for a little arm weight training.  The scales don't say that I am losing any weight but my clothes are starting to fit differently.  That's all I want is to fit in my pre-pregnancy clothes. But I have learned that there are a lot more important things in life then being thin.  It's crazy how having Carter has really changed my view on a lot of things in life.  Yes, I exercise for weight management, but I am also a happier person when I am working out.  I have less stress in my life and more self confidence.  Plus, I have made a best friend in the process!

Anywho, that's all I got today.  Until I write again....

Friday, October 5, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness

Well, today was Go Pink for a Cure day in Arkansas and I got to be honest....I really think that Nashville did a very poor job showing support for this cause and for the women that we know and love that have battled this deadly disease!  I know that people have jobs and some of them could not just leave and take off work to be there for the event but I also know of lots of people that could have and chose not to.  Lots of time and money went in for the event and lots of stuff went to total waste.  I really hate it for the ones that worked really hard making stuff for the bake sale, ordering hats and t-shirts, and other various items.  But for the people that did show up.....A HUGE THANK YOU!!  It was very touching.  And for those of you that stepped outside their businesses on Main Street and clapped and showed support while wearing pink....YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Yes, there are lots of people that are doing other things to raise money for breast cancer and that is so awesome!! Please continue to do so   1 out of every 8 women develop some form of breast cancer each year.  So next time you choose not to be a part of it just think that it could be you, your daughter, mother, sister, granddaughter, or grandmother someday.  Don't you want to help find a cure for this nasty disease as quickly as possible?  Not trying to step on anyones toes, but that's how I feel and I think we could do a better job as a community.  There are so many heart wrenching stories that I have heard from some of these women and the things that they have been through.  They are just very thankful to still be breathing and watching their families grow.  And we can't take an hour out of our year/month/day to honor them?  Pitiful.

Anyways, enough about my ranting and raving.  Carter went a good 20 hours with no fever and when he woke up this morning he decided start with the fever business again.  So instead of going to Lisa's, like planned, he got to hang out with me.  We marched for breast cancer awareness and then went home and he crashed.  He seemed so much happier outside than in the house so I figured some fresh air would do him some good.  He really enjoyed it and was in a good mood.

But I had to leave him with my mom at 2:00 while I work the night shift tonight.  So I am holding down the hotel til' midnight tonight.  Fun, Fun!  I so wish I could be with Carter and take him to the homecoming parade and to the game, but no such luck.  Duty calls.  He and Nick should have a great time tonight.

I am so upset about something.  My e-reader died on me!!  I am completely lost without my books!!  I am now having to convert back to paper back books and it's annoying, to say the least.  But, that seems like a great (early) Christmas present my sweet husband can get me.

I can't think of anything that may be of interest to you so I will stop there.  Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Not to start off a blog by bragging buuuuuttttt.......AD and I ran 5 miles without stopping yesterday.  And today we ran about 3 miles for the sake of not doing too much.  I just can't tell you how far along we have come in such a short time.  I think we have been running for about a month, maybe a little longer, and it was not long ago that we dreaded a 5 minute run without stopping.  But now, yes, we are pretty awesome.  We actually started yesterday shooting for doing a little more than 3 miles and we just kept going and going.  We are so proud of us!!  We are going to murder that 5k next month!!

Anywho.  Carter is getting somewhat more vocal.  Still not where I want him to be for his age but it's improving.  He can now say daddy, truck, tractor, juice, cookie, car, ball, kick, kitty, and dog.  He only says them when he absolutely wants to--not on command.  He still has not said mommy--go figure.  The one that feeds, bathes, buys clothes , and puts him to bed.  I know he knows what everything means though, so he will start talking in his own good time.  We ask him where objects are and he always points at the right things and he can follow simple commands for the most part.

He weighs about 23 pounds, has 13 teeth, and his hair is starting to thicken up.  He is wearing 18 month shirts and 12-18 month pants.  Size 5 shoe.  He sleeps all night long about 3 out of 5 nights.  I can live with that.

We are trying to stop him from whining for things and throwing fits when he don't get his way.  And for the most part it is working really well.  Once we say no, we don't give in no matter what.  He knows when we say no, we mean it.  I'm sure it will change real quick once he gets closer to the terrible two's stage, but he really don't test us.

We are also starting to put away our toys before we go to bed every night and he knows they go in his toy chest.  And when I say it's time for bed, he leads me into his room, crawls up in his bed by himself, lays down, and waits for his milk to be given to him.  Where it used to take about an hour to lay with him and get him to sleep, it now takes anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes.  I give all of this credit to Mrs. Lisa. 

Socially he is a different child.  He still has room for improvement in that area but Mrs. Lisa has done so much for him.  The best decision I have ever made was taking him to her.  Yes, Nick and I could easily work our schedules out to where we didn't have to take him to her but we would be doing Carter an injustice.  She makes him behave, feeds him very well, gets him on a good schedule, and teaches him things.  She is amazing!!  He used to hide from everyone that looked at him and now he is running up to people and shaking their hand with a huge smile on his face.  He also loves to share his food with anyone and everyone.  All the credit goes to her.  And knowing that she genuinly cares about the kids that she watches is such a great feeling.

I had to pick him up a little early today because he was running 102.5 fever.  For the most part he is playing and not being too needy, but I'm thinking we are in for a long night tonight.  I sure hope not!

My house is still organized and I have gotten on a pretty good cleaning schedule.  It's so great having all the laundry done every night and having all the closets organized so I know exactly where everything is.  Such a great feeling.  I have even found time to start painting my laundry room.  I can't take all the credit.  Nick is really starting to do his part by helping me.  After Carter goes to bed we fold and put up laundry together.  He always tackles the socks...which is the worst part.  Now if I could just keep my tahoe cleaned on a regular basis and eat right I would have it going on!!

Tonight is a frozen lasagna night.  Easy peezy!

Anyways, the sick little boy is calling.  Ta Ta!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Busy Bee.....

is what you can call me.

Here is what my day consisted of.

8:00 a.m.- woke up with Carter
8:45-drop Carter off at Lisa's
9:00-Eat breakfast and help my mom paint her kitchen
11:00- Work at Southern Belle Inn for about 4 hours
3:00-Lift weights
4:00- Run 3(ish) miles
4:45- Golf with Nick
6:45-Eat dinner (note that I was so busy I skipped lunch)
7:30-We went to my parents house to pick up little man.
8:30- I went to Walmart with my dad and got stuff for my house, mom's house, and Southern Belle Inn.
10:00 Put Carter to bed (wish it was earlier---we have tried.)
11:00- Now I am here.

Yeah, that's how my days usually look, aside from golfing with Nick.  So when is there time to cook dinner and keep up with a house?  I don't even have time to eat lunch and I still have not had time to bathe.  But to be honest, I would not have it any other way.  I sure do love my life, even if it is packed with stuff to do. 

I gotta brag on me and my running partner, Adriane (Turley) Pickett, here for a second.  We are running machines.  We are running anywhere from 2-4 miles every day.  Every day people!!  Monday-Friday.  Yesterday we ran 3 miles without stopping up and down hills and we were going at a pretty good pace.  Then on top of that, we are lifting weights three days a week before we run.  We have signed up for our second 5k race that will be the second week in November.  We are pumped!

We took Carter to the Scrapper game Friday.  He loved it so much!  Loved all the people everywhere, loved showing everyone his new orange and black Scrapper shoes (or maybe that was me), and he loved going up and down the bleachers.  There was no watching the game for me and Mom, though because we were so busy chasing him around. 

Then about 20 seconds after we got in the car.....

The football game was very special to us for another reason, though.  We got to sit right behind Rico Quinonez and talk to him the whole first half of the football game.  It was such a shock to wake up the next morning and read on Facebook that he had passed away.  He was such a special and sweet guy and I know that he will be missed by so many people.  It is very clear that he is someone that is loved by everyone.  Not many people walked by him that he did not give them a huge hug.  I didn't know him as well as I would like but he has really been on my heart here lately, along with his mother.  No one should ever have to bury their child.  Just can't imagine that pain.  My heart hurts for the family and I have prayed really hard for them all.   Rest in peace and fly with God, sweet boy!  Heaven gained an amazing angel that night!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Ok so I made this recipe an had to share.  It's stupid easy and so super good!!  Nick and carter both gave it a thumbs up.  Only advice is I would wait and put cooked shrimp in very last and double the sauce part.  I sautéed my shrimp in butter and cavenders seasoning. OMG!! Make it. I dare you!
