Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Not to start off a blog by bragging buuuuuttttt.......AD and I ran 5 miles without stopping yesterday.  And today we ran about 3 miles for the sake of not doing too much.  I just can't tell you how far along we have come in such a short time.  I think we have been running for about a month, maybe a little longer, and it was not long ago that we dreaded a 5 minute run without stopping.  But now, yes, we are pretty awesome.  We actually started yesterday shooting for doing a little more than 3 miles and we just kept going and going.  We are so proud of us!!  We are going to murder that 5k next month!!

Anywho.  Carter is getting somewhat more vocal.  Still not where I want him to be for his age but it's improving.  He can now say daddy, truck, tractor, juice, cookie, car, ball, kick, kitty, and dog.  He only says them when he absolutely wants to--not on command.  He still has not said mommy--go figure.  The one that feeds, bathes, buys clothes , and puts him to bed.  I know he knows what everything means though, so he will start talking in his own good time.  We ask him where objects are and he always points at the right things and he can follow simple commands for the most part.

He weighs about 23 pounds, has 13 teeth, and his hair is starting to thicken up.  He is wearing 18 month shirts and 12-18 month pants.  Size 5 shoe.  He sleeps all night long about 3 out of 5 nights.  I can live with that.

We are trying to stop him from whining for things and throwing fits when he don't get his way.  And for the most part it is working really well.  Once we say no, we don't give in no matter what.  He knows when we say no, we mean it.  I'm sure it will change real quick once he gets closer to the terrible two's stage, but he really don't test us.

We are also starting to put away our toys before we go to bed every night and he knows they go in his toy chest.  And when I say it's time for bed, he leads me into his room, crawls up in his bed by himself, lays down, and waits for his milk to be given to him.  Where it used to take about an hour to lay with him and get him to sleep, it now takes anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes.  I give all of this credit to Mrs. Lisa. 

Socially he is a different child.  He still has room for improvement in that area but Mrs. Lisa has done so much for him.  The best decision I have ever made was taking him to her.  Yes, Nick and I could easily work our schedules out to where we didn't have to take him to her but we would be doing Carter an injustice.  She makes him behave, feeds him very well, gets him on a good schedule, and teaches him things.  She is amazing!!  He used to hide from everyone that looked at him and now he is running up to people and shaking their hand with a huge smile on his face.  He also loves to share his food with anyone and everyone.  All the credit goes to her.  And knowing that she genuinly cares about the kids that she watches is such a great feeling.

I had to pick him up a little early today because he was running 102.5 fever.  For the most part he is playing and not being too needy, but I'm thinking we are in for a long night tonight.  I sure hope not!

My house is still organized and I have gotten on a pretty good cleaning schedule.  It's so great having all the laundry done every night and having all the closets organized so I know exactly where everything is.  Such a great feeling.  I have even found time to start painting my laundry room.  I can't take all the credit.  Nick is really starting to do his part by helping me.  After Carter goes to bed we fold and put up laundry together.  He always tackles the socks...which is the worst part.  Now if I could just keep my tahoe cleaned on a regular basis and eat right I would have it going on!!

Tonight is a frozen lasagna night.  Easy peezy!

Anyways, the sick little boy is calling.  Ta Ta!!

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