Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Awesome Week

I have had a week from you know where.  I don't even know where to start.

1.)  Nick left Thursday night to go to Colorado for his annual hunting trip.  No biggie.  I decided to put my big girl panties on and stay by myself, unlike every other hunting trip.  I usually go stay with my parents.  Carter had been sleeping all night long in his own bed for over a week.  So, of course the night Nick leaves, Carter decides to wake up like 5 times that night and ends up in the bed with me.  The same thing happened Friday night.  I was bound and determined that the next night would be better.  And I have learned just how much help Nick is to me.  You never know til they are gone.

2.)  My family reunion was Saturday afternoon.  That went great and everyone enjoyed themselves.  I got home after dark to find my front door standing wide open and all the lights on which in turn made a perfect little cozy home for every bug on the planet.  So the first thing that pops in my head is West Nile Disease.  I run in the house grabbed some clothes for me and Carter and ran out real quick.  As I was driving to my parent's house, I blamed the whole scenario on Nick.  First because he was gone.  And second because he was the child that bought the little basketball goal, that wedghes between the door and jam, so he could play at night and watch tv at the same time.  That, in turn, requires the door to be shut harder than normal.  So it's his fault, true?

3.)  My dad had back surgery yesterday.  We were all nervous to begin with so Nana, Aunt Gloria, Mom, and I went up there to sit and be with him.  We had to wait on the dr. for two hours to get finished with the surgery that was before dad's.  That made us really uneasy.  After he finally went in for surgery Mom sent me, Nana, and Aunt Gloria to get dad a couple things--one being house shoes.  No one knew where the Walmart was in Hot Springs so we stopped at TJ Maxx.  No house shoes.  But I did manage to find some really nice and cheap Nike pants for Carter.  When we went back to my car to go somewhere else, I discovered that my keys were missing......locked inside the car.  So I looked under my car for my spare and remembered that I had just done this last week and my spare was inside the car as well.  I thought, no big deal, I got OnStar.  So I call the delightful people at OnStar and I never activated an account and they could not unlock my car.  This is when I started to get a little agitated.  I had to call roadside assistance.  Thankfully the guy that was coming to our rescue was about a mile away from us unlocking another women's car and he said he would not be long at all..  So I called in our lunch at The Purple Cow.  I got us all burgers, fries, and diet cokes.  About 1 1/2 hours later the unlock dude came.  Long story short--it took him a whole hour to unlock my tahoe.  Then he asked for 67.00 bucks for doing that.  About 20 minutes before he was done Mom called and said Dad was out of surgery and everything went well.  So we were not there for my mom in the waiting room.  Poor thing.  So after my Nana yelled at the poor guy we were on our way to The Purple Cow where we got our cold burgers, watered down cokes, and fries which was 50.00.  While we were waiting for the unlock dude Nana had to walk to Famous Footwear to get some 40 dollar house shoes.  So 67.00 + 50.00 + 40.00= some really expensive house shoes!!!!!!  Again, I blame this scenario on Nick for not reminding me to put my spare key back under my car.  He knew better!

4.)  On our way home from Hot Springs, my Nana just had to have a cup of coffee and I decided on a vanilla icecream cone from Sonic.  After we got our order, I was pulling out and hit a huge curb on the side of the road and my icecream fell upside down in my floor board and Nana's coffee went everywhere.  My nerves were shot by this time.  I blame the scenario on Sonic!  Who puts a curb where people pull out?!?  Seriously.

So as you can see none of this was my fault....I was just the victim

Needless to say, Nick is a vital part of my well being and I am so glad that he is coming home today....And Friday needs to hurry up and get here!

My sweet husband did send me a surprise package while he was gone----some really really cute black leather winter boots.  They are glorious and I gotta say he has some good taste.

On a very good note, my dad is doing great.  He has kept food down this morning and he has walked around.  He is sore but that's normal.  He will get to come home tomorrow.  I can't wait until he has made a full recovery.

I have more but I don't want to make this too long.  So til next time...

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