Wednesday, October 24, 2012

18 Months

My baby boy is 18 months old.  So not a baby anymore.  His smile still melts my heart just like it did when he smiled for the first time when he was 4 days old.  I honestly hate that he is growing up.  I like him being totally innocent and loving to love on me and be with me.  I'm just not sure how much longer I will have until he no longer wants to be with me.  I love giving him his baths, dressing him, putting his shoes on for him, ect.  The list could go on and on and I know that all too soon he will be able to do that for himself.  I know that one day I will miss changing diapers on his cute little tooshie.  I love you to the moon sweet boy of mine!


On to the stats of my big boy:

-Weight-23 lbs. 11 oz. 20%
-Height-32 3/4 inches 70%
-Head -18 3/4 inches 45%

Carter's doctor did a happy dance that is weight has come up.  It went from 5% to 20% in only a couple months.  THANK THE GOOD LORD ABOVE!  Now if we can just keep this up.  He was not worried about his height since it has always been there but the weight we were.

The times that Carter wakes up screaming in the middle of the night and during naps are caused by night terrors.  He said the biggest reason why kids have them is because they get overtired.  That is very possible with Carter since he usually only gets one nap, usually about 2 hours, a day and that's it.   Then we can't get him to bed any earlier than 9:30! Yes, he needs much more sleep than that.  It's something we are really going to work on!

He was okay with how many words he can say and very happy with all that he understands. I mean yes he wished he was saying more but not worried about it yet.  But it seems that he is learning a new word a week and I only hope it becomes a new word every other day.  He had one of his trucks books so the doctor got to hear him say truck about 30 times.  Then before he left Carter waved bye bye to him and shook his hand.  Then the mean nurse came in with her mean needle and he got the mean Flu shot.  He cried for a short time, then saw a truck outside the window and yelled truck....of course.

On a totally different note

AD and I ran over 5 miles yesterday in town.  WE. ARE. BEASTS.  Up and down hills without stopping.  Yes, we rock.  We know.

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