Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Busy Bee.....

is what you can call me.

Here is what my day consisted of.

8:00 a.m.- woke up with Carter
8:45-drop Carter off at Lisa's
9:00-Eat breakfast and help my mom paint her kitchen
11:00- Work at Southern Belle Inn for about 4 hours
3:00-Lift weights
4:00- Run 3(ish) miles
4:45- Golf with Nick
6:45-Eat dinner (note that I was so busy I skipped lunch)
7:30-We went to my parents house to pick up little man.
8:30- I went to Walmart with my dad and got stuff for my house, mom's house, and Southern Belle Inn.
10:00 Put Carter to bed (wish it was earlier---we have tried.)
11:00- Now I am here.

Yeah, that's how my days usually look, aside from golfing with Nick.  So when is there time to cook dinner and keep up with a house?  I don't even have time to eat lunch and I still have not had time to bathe.  But to be honest, I would not have it any other way.  I sure do love my life, even if it is packed with stuff to do. 

I gotta brag on me and my running partner, Adriane (Turley) Pickett, here for a second.  We are running machines.  We are running anywhere from 2-4 miles every day.  Every day people!!  Monday-Friday.  Yesterday we ran 3 miles without stopping up and down hills and we were going at a pretty good pace.  Then on top of that, we are lifting weights three days a week before we run.  We have signed up for our second 5k race that will be the second week in November.  We are pumped!

We took Carter to the Scrapper game Friday.  He loved it so much!  Loved all the people everywhere, loved showing everyone his new orange and black Scrapper shoes (or maybe that was me), and he loved going up and down the bleachers.  There was no watching the game for me and Mom, though because we were so busy chasing him around. 

Then about 20 seconds after we got in the car.....

The football game was very special to us for another reason, though.  We got to sit right behind Rico Quinonez and talk to him the whole first half of the football game.  It was such a shock to wake up the next morning and read on Facebook that he had passed away.  He was such a special and sweet guy and I know that he will be missed by so many people.  It is very clear that he is someone that is loved by everyone.  Not many people walked by him that he did not give them a huge hug.  I didn't know him as well as I would like but he has really been on my heart here lately, along with his mother.  No one should ever have to bury their child.  Just can't imagine that pain.  My heart hurts for the family and I have prayed really hard for them all.   Rest in peace and fly with God, sweet boy!  Heaven gained an amazing angel that night!

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