Saturday, December 15, 2012


Not all that much going on with us right now.  I am a hunting widow this whole weekend.  That means that I get a break from cooking for a husband that eats as much as two men.  Seriously I don't know how he does it.  I know exactly where Carter gets his appetite from!  Carter is slowly gaining his weight back that he lost after surgery and I sure hope that it don't stop there and he just takes off!

It's amazing how quiet he is breathing.   No more snorting, snoring, getting choked up at night...such a relief!  So glad the doctor went ahead and decided to do the surgery at such a young age.  He is so  much more comfortable.

I am so ready for Carter to open up all of his presents this year.  He is getting some pretty neat stuff yall! 

Nana and I took a short trip to Texarkana so she could finish up her Christmas shopping. It was a mad house. Little monkey tagged along with us an shopping with him is like shopping with Tasmanian devil. He was all over the place so I only bought a couple of things. But we had fun.

Carter is a little whiney baby here recently. So ready for that little phase to end.  And talk about jealous!!!! He does not like any other kid hanging around me or my mom or he starts crying. First child syndrome for sure!!

Carter loves Asian food. He killed some chicken teriyaki and rice today at the mall.

That's all the random stuff I got for you today.

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