Friday, December 21, 2012


Christmas is in 4 days.  What the what???  How did that happen so fast?  Seems like a couple months ago I was recording Carter see all of his presents from last Christmas.  Anyways, I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees some of his presents this year.  I may be a tad more excited about these gifts than he will be.  And the best part about it, Nick and I didn't have to spend a dime on any of it.  We bought it, and my mom, Nana, and other family members didn't have anything for him so they bought them from us.  So, technically he won't be getting anything from us, besides the fact that we dropped nearly a grand on a new breathing canal, but that's okay. 

Carter has moved up to 18-24 month pants and 2T shirts.  Yikes.  Growing fast now.  He is eating really good right now; hungry all the dang time.  He is currently scared of EVERYONE!!  I was wanting to think that it is because his surgery traumatized him a little and that it will pass quickly.  But I am starting to accept the fact that it is a phase that might be here for a little while.  Yuck.  It is NOT a good color on him.  He has always been skeptical about other people but it is 100 times worse!  This needs to pass soon, because it is driving us bonkers.  Everywhere we go he is hanging on to our legs for dear life like a leech.  But hey, I'll take a shy and quiet kid any day as long he is healthy!

A couple days ago my Nana and I put up her Christmas tree and I helped her wrap all of her gifts for her.  I can honestly say that it is a memory I will forever cherish.  We have so much fun together all the time, but for some reason this time was so much more precious to me.  I didn't want to leave.  Then this morning we cooked breakfast together and talked.  You want some Godly and honest advice, she is the woman you need to talk to.  I appreciate her so so much.  I don't tell her near enough.  She is so so dear to me.  I keep telling myself that she is immortal and I will never have to live without her.  For sure my best friend.

Anywho, I've got a very hot date tonight with my Nick.  He is taking me to watch a movie, eat, and let me pick out my Christmas present.  How precious is he?  I am so glad that I have a husband that still likes to date me.  The little trouble maker is staying with my mom and dad while we go.  I debated on letting him stay the night with them tonight, but then quickly reconsidered.  I'm not ready for that yet!  I'm a little crazy.

I'm sure you won't hear from me until after the holidays.  So Merry Christmas to all and a very very happy near year. 

Which reminds me....I have to come up with a new years resolution.  Ya know, so I can break it.

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