Saturday, November 24, 2012


Just call me the big ol' green Grinch.  I just can't get into the spirit of Christmas.  Just can't.  I don't know why because usually I am so flippin excited about this time of year.  But having to spend hundreds of dollars for Christmas gifts is just not on my to-do list.  I went Black Friday shopping at Walmart the other night and bought two $12.00 things, then I went shopping in Texarkana ALL day yesterday and didn't even get my wallet out.  I have just told everyone not to buy me anything because I'm not buying them anything.  Works for me.  I am good with just getting together and having a great meal and spending time with everyone.  I am buying for Carter, my 2 nephews and niece, my little cousin, and the one person that Nick and I each drew out of a hat.  That's it.  I honestly don't even think our Christmas tree is going up this year.  Pretty pathetic isn't it?  You are more than welcome to come do it for me...but if you have to take it down and pack it up too.  Either that or it just may stay up until Christmas next year.  I'm not going to get Carter's picture taken with Santa because I know he will just be terrified and what's the point?  You are more than welcome to talk me into having a good attitude about this year.  I need it.

I am very very proud of myself during Thanksgiving, though.  I didn't get off my diet (besides that dang cupcake today) and I am NEARLY back to my goal weight of 125.  Still got about 8 pounds to go.  I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!!!!!!!!!! I am now back into 4 pair of jeans that I have not fit in since my pregnancy.  AD and I have have taken 2 weeks off from working out which was a terrible decision on our part--because we are miserable and having withdrawals.  Working out and those wonderful endorphins bring peace and comfort to our hectic lives!  So starting Monday, we are hitting the gym HARD!!

While I was deep cleaning my house the other day I found my mp3 player that Nick bought me right after high school.  It's hilarious the songs that I actually downloaded on that thing.  My oh my how my taste have changed!  While I was flipping through the songs I was embarrassed at what I listened to.  I know Keatha can probably relate to this.  Black Betty!???  OMG!  So stupid.  I am thinking about keeping this thing just so I can let Carter listen to what his momma listened to at his age.  He will die.....from laughter.  But then again there are those classics that I will never get sick of listening to like "You and Me Go Fishin in the Dark," or Hinder songs, or "Turn Around  Bright Eyes."  Lots of flash back memories right there.

Carter is sleeping all night in his big boy bed and waking up dry.  That's big time folks.  He is completely healthy at the moment.  He does have slight congestion but I figure we will be dealing with that the whole winter.  That's nothing that a little Vick's and vaporizer can't help.  We are also going to bed earlier! Going down at 9:00-9:15 and sleeping until about 5:00 for a huge glass of milk then right back to sleep til about 8:30-9:00.  Loving it!  He just HAS to have that big glass of milk right before bed, at 5:00, then right when he wakes up for good.  I'm not talking about 5's like 12 oz. that he chugs down without stopping....every time.  That's like 36 oz in 12 hours.  Crazy.  Every now in then he will sleep all the way through til 9:00 but very rarely.

Ok, enough with then nonsense.  Time to get to work. 

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