Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Black Dagger Brotherhood Series.....READ IT!!  The books have consumed me!  Yes, they are vampire books but so nothing like Twilight or anything like that.  It's so much more than that.  It literally brings out every emotion that you can think of out of you.  You will not be disappointed.  I promise!  For the love of a good read, just read it.  I believe that I have fallen in love with every male vampire that I have met through these books.  They can take my vein any day!! ;)  I think right now there are 6 books out and I am on the last book.  I do believe that she is still writing and there will be more.  Every book is awesome.

Moving right along.

We are all good!  We have gotten on a pretty great routine around here.  My awesome child has slept all night long for a solid week now.  That, in itself, is a miracle.  I think I have mentioned before that he is a totally different child, but it's even more evident now then ever before.  Mrs. Lisa is loving it!  She gets hugs from Carter pretty often now.  He is also very vocal!  He throws a real word in there every now and then but it's usually nonsense.  He tries so hard to mimic words that we say to him and he usually gets the first letter right but when he tries to say the whole word you never know what will come out.  He goes to sleep saying "the truck" and right when he wakes up he says "the truck".  It amazes me how much he truly understands that we say.  I can say, "let's put your shoes on," and he will bring me his shoes and sit down in front of me so I can put them on him.  He has toys in his bath that sticks to the wall and I can say, "stick your fish on the wall," and he will grab his fish and stick it on the wall.  I think it's only a matter of days until he really goes to making sense with words. 

He has really come out of his shell.  We have never been able to drop him off in the nursery at church without him crying the entire time, but Sunday he cried for maybe a minute and he was up and playing.  It really gives this mom a peace like no other.  So as many things as I can take him to out in public, that's what I am going to do.

So, as you can see things are really starting to come together for my boy.  I can see the light bulb in his head coming on quite often here lately.

He is taking a break from meat here recently--which I don't like.  He can put away some fruit and veggies, though, which is the most important part.  He is getting lots of protein from his milk and numerous other foods so it's not the end of the world, but I do hope this is a very short phase.  The only meat that he loves consistently is fish sticks, shrimp, and salmon.  But I can only give those to him once or twice a week because of mercury levels....or so I've read.

I have been pretty lazy with the pictures as you can probably tell.  So I have really got to get with the program on that.

AD and I ran 3 miles yesterday for our short run and today will be our long run.  We are shooting for 5 miles but if it turns out to be more then so be it!  But before that we are meeting at the gym for a little arm weight training.  The scales don't say that I am losing any weight but my clothes are starting to fit differently.  That's all I want is to fit in my pre-pregnancy clothes. But I have learned that there are a lot more important things in life then being thin.  It's crazy how having Carter has really changed my view on a lot of things in life.  Yes, I exercise for weight management, but I am also a happier person when I am working out.  I have less stress in my life and more self confidence.  Plus, I have made a best friend in the process!

Anywho, that's all I got today.  Until I write again....

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