Friday, October 5, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness

Well, today was Go Pink for a Cure day in Arkansas and I got to be honest....I really think that Nashville did a very poor job showing support for this cause and for the women that we know and love that have battled this deadly disease!  I know that people have jobs and some of them could not just leave and take off work to be there for the event but I also know of lots of people that could have and chose not to.  Lots of time and money went in for the event and lots of stuff went to total waste.  I really hate it for the ones that worked really hard making stuff for the bake sale, ordering hats and t-shirts, and other various items.  But for the people that did show up.....A HUGE THANK YOU!!  It was very touching.  And for those of you that stepped outside their businesses on Main Street and clapped and showed support while wearing pink....YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Yes, there are lots of people that are doing other things to raise money for breast cancer and that is so awesome!! Please continue to do so   1 out of every 8 women develop some form of breast cancer each year.  So next time you choose not to be a part of it just think that it could be you, your daughter, mother, sister, granddaughter, or grandmother someday.  Don't you want to help find a cure for this nasty disease as quickly as possible?  Not trying to step on anyones toes, but that's how I feel and I think we could do a better job as a community.  There are so many heart wrenching stories that I have heard from some of these women and the things that they have been through.  They are just very thankful to still be breathing and watching their families grow.  And we can't take an hour out of our year/month/day to honor them?  Pitiful.

Anyways, enough about my ranting and raving.  Carter went a good 20 hours with no fever and when he woke up this morning he decided start with the fever business again.  So instead of going to Lisa's, like planned, he got to hang out with me.  We marched for breast cancer awareness and then went home and he crashed.  He seemed so much happier outside than in the house so I figured some fresh air would do him some good.  He really enjoyed it and was in a good mood.

But I had to leave him with my mom at 2:00 while I work the night shift tonight.  So I am holding down the hotel til' midnight tonight.  Fun, Fun!  I so wish I could be with Carter and take him to the homecoming parade and to the game, but no such luck.  Duty calls.  He and Nick should have a great time tonight.

I am so upset about something.  My e-reader died on me!!  I am completely lost without my books!!  I am now having to convert back to paper back books and it's annoying, to say the least.  But, that seems like a great (early) Christmas present my sweet husband can get me.

I can't think of anything that may be of interest to you so I will stop there.  Thanks for reading.

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