Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bad Days

Our days and nights have got to get better soon. Got to.

Carter  decided not to eat or drink anything as of yesterday around lunch. He ate a huge bowl of oatmeal mixed with banana and loved it.  Then he wouldn't eat anything after that. I tried all of his favorites: green peas, raisins, yogurt, roast beef, cottage cheese..... He was not having any of it.   Then as of last night he decided not to drink either. No milk, juice, pedialite..... Nothing. And keep in mind that I have been having to give him antibiotics three times a day which is tearing his stomach up and giving him the runs....which is making him dehydrated. He ate quite a bit if watermelon last night before bed so that eased my worry a tad bit.

This morning is the same thing. Won't eat, fussy, won't drink, needy. I have noticed that he is nt having wet diapers like he should so I have been shoving pedialite Popsicles and watermelon down his throat.  It's either that or go to ER and start an IV for fluids. He is very active and happy now and he did eat several black eyes peas so maybe it will turn around.

It don't stop there.

After we put him down last night Nick and I was looking forward to having a good peaceful night together watching a movie. We got all settled on the couch and it hit is both like a train. I started feeling like I was going to throw up and next thing I knew nick was running to the bathroom. We have a stomach bug. Our whole body is hurting. Joints, spine, fingernails, nose hairs.... All aching.

Poor nick had to still go work cows this morning and work in air conditioners at the hotel and that left me caring for a very cranky and hard headed child. I called mom to see if she could keep him and she is still in bed with the same symptoms.

On top of all that my house is a complete train wreck. It has to be the worst it's ever been. At this point it would just be easier to move instead of clean it all. I need an army to help me an it would take a good week.

And the doctor said that Carter's breath would stink for a couple days after this surgery but DANG!!! It is rank y'all!!!

So I am going to try to put the hoodlum down for a nap, lay down with him ad try to recover somewhat.

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