Tuesday, December 4, 2012


So this is going to be typed on my phone so I apologize in advance for all the typos.

Where do I start? For kicks and giggles lets just go back to yesterday evening, shall we?

We picked Carter up from the babysitter and he was perfectly fine and happy. We came home and played and had the best time and he felt great. Nick wanted to take us out to eat so we went to Mr. Pancho.  Carter ate what he has eaten a million times..... Acacado and chicken with a couple goldfish and raisins.  All went well and we went home. I gave Carter a bath and e played like a maniac.  He all of a sudden started getting a little fussy. Then our night from h-e-double hockey sticks started.....

Carter walked up to me and put his head on my shoulder, I hugged him, he raised his head then threw up ALL over me.  Nick just sat there and stared at us. I finally had to literally yell at him to get his butt in gear to help, which made carter even more upset, which made him throw up on me again.  By this time I am gagging.  Throw up down my shirt, in my hair, then all down my back. Fun times. Long story short.... I was thrown up on three more times, nick was thrown up on twice. After I had 3 showers, Carter two more baths, two loads on laundry, couch scrubbing, 8 towels, and 2 different bed Sheets later, we finally got him comfortable and in our bed.  But since he had thrown up all his liquids and he could not have anything after midnight he started whining and saying juice over and over. Nick and I got a total of 2 hours of sleep and then had to be up at 5 30 to leave for Texarkana for his surgery and at that time we had no clue as to whether they were even going to do it with him throwing up.

Nick and I were totally lost when it comes to this kind of sickness. Carter has never drooled, maybe spit up 3 times, and he has only thrown up a small amount once when he over ate a while back.  It went from that to cupping throw up in our hands and wiping it off our face. Yeah......

So we get to the surgery center and carter is laughing and playing like nothing ever happened while nick and I are complete zombies. They decide to do the surgery. I didn't cry at all, which shocked me. The surgery went quick and easy and carter did amazing. He is doing so good I am about convinced they didn't even do anything. He has eaten mashed potatoes and watermelon and has kept it down and taking his medicine like a champ.  He played outside for a couple hours but he gets very tired easily so he has taken three naps today. All in all I am a happy mommy and very thankful for good doctors and prayer!! Thank you to everyone who prayed, called, and texted.

We are glad that this little journey is over and looking forward to having a healthy baby for once.

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