Tuesday, November 20, 2012


*Catherine stands on soapbox*

The bad thing about running your own business, that never sleeps, is employees taking off and you having to work in their spot....during the holidays.  So, we are having to work tonight, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 2:00 til midnight.  Goodbye Thanksgiving with the family....maybe next year!  But the good thing about it is that we are completely booked solid...not a single room not reserved or rented Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  So at least I will be busy and not twiddling my thumbs. 

But until the crowd comes piling in, I am trying to order Christmas presents and pictures that I have not had made since Carter was 13 months old.....yikes.  This may take a while and it may be a pretty large order.  I am also searching frantically on the Internet trying to find some cute Christmasy/ dressy outfits for us to wear for our family photos/Christmas card shoot that we are taking on the 30th...of course last minute (and that is counting on my child not looking at a germ and getting the flu).  Since I don't have time to go out and actually shop I am having to buy online and probably pay like 30 bucks to have it rushed so it will be here on time.  I am just not on top of things this year.

While I am ranting and complaining...I might as well get it all out.

Last week Carter got Sick.  I know what you all are thinking........he is the sickest kid on the planet.  Totally agree.  It's driving me crazy.  But this time sick was an understatement.  He could not breathe out of his nose so I kept having to suck it out and clean it like every 10 minutes.  You would have thought I was killing him the way he was acting.  Nick had to hold him down while I did the sucking and cleaning.  The kiddo is strong.  He had fever and coughing his head off.  Then all of a sudden his eyes started having junk come out of them so then I was having to clean out his eyes literally every 5 minutes.  And when he slept they dried shut which scared the daylights out of him.  One morning we woke up and his eyes were nearly swollen shut and very red.  We finally got him on some antibiotics so he was miserable for only 2 days.  Here is a picture when he was about 80% better and he still looks terrible with swollen eyes.

I felt so bad for him and I was doing everything I could to make him more comfortable.  But he is all better now and back to sleeping all night in his own bed and eating more than me.
On top of all that...right in the middle of Carter being at his worst our refrigerator went out.  I think it was out for like a whole day before we even noticed.  Sad.  So everything that was in our freezer and most of everything in the fridge we had to throw away.  And that was a lot of Carter's meals that I had already made and froze and three gallons of milk (the two men in my house go through milk like I have never seen before).  How I found out that it had stopped working was I poured myself a huge bowl of cereal, poured my milk and took a huge bite of cereal and soured milk.  Awesome.  I'm just glad I didn't pour Carter a huge class and give it to him first.
Our luck has to turn around at some point...right?
*Catherine steps off of soapbox*
On a good note...Carter has learned to put some little wooden puzzles together and he is so close to learning how to brush his own teeth.  He loves brushing his teeth!  I pray he will always love it!  I made up a song about it...it's pretty stupid...but he loves it.  So while I sing he brushes, smiles, and dances at the same time.  It's a sight!  And he still won't go to bed until he helps brush mine and daddy's teeth.  Just won't give it up.  Such an awesome kid!
Carter's new favorite food is steak.  The kid can put away some steak like you would never believe.  Nick is one proud daddy.  He has hit a MAJOR growth spurt in the last couple weeks.  Legs, arms, shoulders, and chest are filling out like crazy all while getting taller.  He has moved up to 18 month pants, which are getting too short, and 24 month and 2T shirts and size 6 1/2 shoe.  Maybe we should slow down on the red meats.  Looking more and more like his daddy every single day. 
Thank you for listening.


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