Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Better Days

Our house is back to normal finally....finally!!  It sure was a rough week after Carter's surgery.  His little throat was so sore.  I really thought we were in the clear the day that we got home and he was eating, drinking and playing.  Even the next day he was very active.  But by the third day....holy moly.  He was terrible!!  I guess there is a reason why the doctor told us it would take 5 days.  Carter took about 6 days.  He went without eating for 4 days straight and not drinking.  Literally, the only thing that he was living off of was watermelon, pedialyte and popsicles....and even those were forced.  He would not even drink milk.  He got to where he was skin and bones and was not active in the least bit.  So if I was not holding him, this is what he was doing.

He finally got to where he would take a nap in our big bed, without me, so when he went down for his short naps I did Flight of the Bumble Bee cleaning trying desperately to get my house back into livable order.  It is slowly but surely looking like a home again.  The laundry that I have piled in the laundry room is no joke.  They are all clean and we have been living out of that pile for days now, but at least they are clean.  Operation laundry put up will be my mission tonight when I get off of work.
Then finally by the 6th day he decided he didn't want his mom to jump off a bridge so he chilled out alittle and started back eating, drinking, and being more independent again.  Praise. The. Lord.
He is getting into a little habit of waking up without letting us know, at night, and wandering around the house looking for us.  Baby gate going up for sure at his door!
Nick's parents sent him home with a little train track and trains that go round and round and Carter likes to sit in the middle of the train track, watch it go around about 4 times, then make the trains crash.  He laughs so hard at himself.  He is also obsessed with racing tracks for his little cars.  Christmas shopping for him was so super easy this year.
 The Grinch, AKA me, is no longer a grinch.  My Nana and I ran to Texarkana yesterday and I got ALL of my Christmas shopping done.  Well pretty much all.  I have my dad left, which he is the hardest man on the planet to shop for.  But I am DONE!!  I have bidded for something on ebay for Carter and the time runs out in t minus 39 minutes...and I am the only bidder!  I sure hope we win because it's cool!
My mom got me a Kindle Fire HD and OMG am I ever in love?!?!?  Yessiirrrr!!!!  I made her give it to me early so I could play and read.  Nick says I am on it way too much and he is going to give me "Kindle Time" about 2 hours a day then take it away and hide it from me til the next day.  What a loser awesome husband.
Speaking of...I have some down time at work and the Kindle is calling.  Adios!

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