Monday, October 22, 2012

I know that I am way late on getting on board with Pinterest, but I am now officially obsessed.  I got to be honest though, I really thought all of you that kept posting about Pinterest needed to seriously get a life.  So, I am apologizing deep from the bottom of my heart.  I really am.  Because I am now a Pinterest Goo Roo!  I love it!!  My husband even thinks it's pretty neat.  I have already tried like 7 things off of it.  Well really 9 things but 2 of them were not successful.  Let's start with the successful things.  First I tried these really cool banana, yogurt, and peanut butter treats.  They are really good and a very quick tasty snack when I am tempted to go for some chips.  I won't go into detail on how to make them, you can look it up, but here is my ending product.  It's no near as pretty as the ones on Pinterest.  After you are done, you freeze them and put them in a Ziploc baggy.  So good!

The next thing I tried is washing my hair with beer and baking soda.  Whhhaaaat???  Shut the front door!!  My hair feels like new hair!  It is wonderful.  But you have been warned--don't do it right before you go out in public unless you want to smell like a brewery.  But do won't be disappointed.

Third thing I tried was cleaning my microwave with 1 cup of hot water and 1 cup of vinegar. You put those two ingredients in a cup and heat in microwave for 10 minutes.  Then when it is done the yucky stuff comes off in one swipe with a paper towel.  Works like a charm.

Fourth and fifth things that I tried was with my BFF, Holli, Saturday.  These were her finds.  First she cut the insides out of the strawberries, we melted the dark chocolate chips in the microwave, then spooned  the chocolate in the center of the strawberries with a spoon.  Less of a mess and oh so good.  It's pretty much like biting into small pieces of Heaven.  DO IT!!!  Again, Pinterest's strawberries looked lots prettier. But I can tell ya, my taste buds couldn't care less about what they looked like.

Not sure if these were Pinterest inspired or not but we also made some pepper thingy's with cream cheese, bacon, and pepperoni.  I had to leave before they cooked them so I didn't get to taste any but they looked amazing!!

Aside from Pinterest talk, I had a great time with Holli.  We got to catch up on so much and it was just what the doctor ordered for me.  I needed some Holli time.  Even if you don't know them, please pray for her Peepaw.  He is in the hospital with phenomnia and congestive heart failure.  Please please just take time and remember him in your prayers.  He is such a sweet and special man.

Moving right along.

I also made some Nutella cookies.  They were edible but not the best.  I don't recommend them.  If you do, eat them with milk!

The things that were not the least bit successful had to do with my hair.  Shocker!!  I tried a braid thing on the side of my head while my hair is looked like a 4 year old did it.  And then I tried to tease the back like the tutorial showed me and it looked like a rat lived in my hair.  God did not grant me with girly ways when it comes to hair and makeup.  I have accepted it and I am moving on!  I'm so over it!  I also don't see myself doing half of the crafts stuff that I repin but they are so cool and something my mom would do in a heart beat.  She is the crafts God.

The thing that I look at the most are the diet and fitness stuff.  It is very motivating and keeps me on track.  I also love the organization pins.

"We can build you a house and you can decorate it and put whatever you would like in it."  Said Nick never.  But if he did build me a house I would have the best looking house in all the land.  There are some great ideas.

AND I can wait until my next wedding.  It will be AMAZING!! ;)

My next project is......

Pretty cute, right?  

On to Carter

He has added shoes (choos) to his vocabulary and when I say chicken, he said chic.  Close enough.  He is more obsessed with his books and flash cards now then ever.  He is starting to point to pictures and say them and he loves for me to ask where things are so he can show off that the knows where they are.  After he points to one he looks at me and we can't move on until Nick and I clap for him.  His favorite book is the one with all the different vehicles in it.  He is obsessed with trucks, tractors, cars, and heavy machinery.  And he absolutely LOVES monster trucks.  He says dump truck or just truck about 100 times a day and that is no exaggeration.  One of his favorite things to do in the evening is ride down to the highway on the ranger and sit and look at all the vehicles go by and he says truck and car the whole time.  So can you guess what his theme for his 2nd birthday is going to be???  TRUCKS!!!

Something else that he does that he does----I bought him some number magnets for the fridge from Walmart.  He will get all of the 8's, 9's and 6's, and 3's and bring them in the living room.  He then seperates them in little piles. A little OCD maybe?  He will stand there and search until he has them all separated. It takes lots of concentration on his part and he will stick with it until it is done.  It's pretty interesting to watch.

He is also eating with a spoon by himself like a champ!

I think I have brain-washed my child.  I set down a bowl of tomatoes and a bowl of cookies in front of him just to see what he would do.  I was just curious.  He went straight for the tomatoes and ate them in about 30 seconds, then cried for more.  I tried to give him cookies and he threw an even bigger fit for more veggies.   

Well tomorrow is his 18th month check up.  I do think he is gaining a little weight but I don't see him getting any taller from the way his clothes are fitting.  I guess we will see tomorrow!

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