Thursday, November 29, 2012

Stress Level Maxed Out

Stress level is out the roof top!  I'm sure that most of you probably saw on Facebook that my baby boy is having surgery Tuesday morning to have his adenoids removed.  He started breathing a bit heavy from his mouth about a week ago and we just figured he was stopped up with a cold.  Then about 4 nights ago he started waking up screaming and gasping for every 20 minutes.  Scared the ever living day lights out of us and him.  And when Carter is not getting much sleep....guess what...parents are not either.  If you can remember, he had this very same thing when he was about 10 months old when we went to the ENT at Children's.  Anyways, since he is old enough now, we took him to a place in Texarkana.  We told the nice doctor everything and he said that we could probably just do what we did last time and spray Nasanex in his nose to shrink the adenoids for the time being.  We wanted long term results, but we were ok with it.  He wanted to take an x-ray, though, just to see what we were dealing with.  He came back and was very worried and said that we he needed to have his adenoids removed ASAP because they are blocking over 90% of his airway.  Oh. My. Lord.   We are spraying Nasanex in his nose to shrink them some until his surgery.

But some good news---the doctor said that this should fix a lot of Carter's sickness and he should be much happier and feel like a different kid.  He also said for us not to be surprised if he starts to grow at a rapid speed after surgery.  He said that Carter's body and brain have been deprived from having all the oxygen it needs for so long and it is about to play catch up.  So maybe that is the answer as to why we are having a hard time putting weight on him. 

I was pretty upset about it at first but now that I am laying all the pros and cons out there I am super excited for him.  Carter has no idea what it is like to have a full night's sleep on a regular basis, he is constantly sick and not feeling well, running fever, and on an antibiotic.  I pray so hard that this will fix all of that.  But don't think for a second that I take for granted the things that he does have.  He is smart, he can walk, run, be active, and put away food like you would not believe.  So, I am thankful for his swollen adenoids if that's all we have to deal with.  Please just take time to pray for Carter, the surgeon, and Nick and me.  I know it will take a huge toll on me.

More good news...I am finally getting into the Christmasl spirit.  I (finally) got my tree all up and's nothing special and it don't even have a topper on it but hey, let's face it, it just a miracle that it's up.  I ordered some gifts that I swore I would not buy, and I am catching myself singing those annoying Christmas songs in my head. 

Other than all of that, we are doing really well.  I am having to work more recently than what I usually do and that's perfectly fine with me.  It was fun while it lasted, but I now have a work shift every week.  I absolutely LOVE the people that I work with so it is not problem at all.  I can say that we are truly a family here.

Sometimes you can walk in my house and it is spotless and other times it looks like a complete train wreck.  And this is why.

How someone so tiny can destroy a whole house is beyond me.  But he has fun destroying everything and it makes him happy so who am I to ruin his fun?  Our house is lived in and that's all you can say about it.  I try not to sweat the small stuff anymore.  There is just not point in it.
We have family/christmas pictures tomorrow at 3:15 with the famous Jenna Millwood.  Please cross your fingers that we have a happy baby on our hands for excellent pictures.  It's a coin toss on that one!  And I hope that Aunt Toshya or Aunt Casey is reading this because he needs a hair cut and if his hair makes the pictures look bad I only have yall to blame!! :)
So, the next post will probably be an after surgery post.  Again, please pray!

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