Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What Up?

Hi!  Just thought I would drop in and let you know what we have been up to lately....which is not much.  Carter and I have been staying at my parent's house for the week while Nick is out of town.  Carter has had the time of his life being spoiled more than any kid should be spoiled. 

I went to Texarkana with my good friend, Elizabeth.  I sure have missed that crazy lady!  We had so much fun.  She is planning her wedding so we are going to start getting together every Thursday to work on it and I am looking so forward to it.  I am so honored to be a bridesmaid.

This Saturday is my 5k.....The Color Run.  We are going to run the whole thing.  We are ready!  I am looking forward to having a good time with great friends.

Carter gets to spend the evening with his Grammy (Nick's mom) while I go to my class and run afterward.  I know he will have fun with her....he always does.  For dinner I made him salmon, veggie salad (tomato, avocado, and carrots--his favorite!), watermelon, and yogurt.  He is going to chow down because he literally can't get enough of any of those things.  If I have done anything right as a mother, its that I have gotten him to eat healthy.  So proud of that.  There are lots of other areas that I can work on, I'm sure, but to me, thats one of the most important areas.

Saturday was our Scrapperette softball alumni game.  We had a great time!  I am so glad that I decided to participate.  I almost didn't with me having a crappy knee but it turned out great.  I pitched and I am still not quite sure how I got talked into pitching.  I have never slow pitched before in my entire life but I really enjoyed it.  I think I only walked one...which shocks me.  I went 1 for 3....which is not very good, but I need to accept the fact that I am getting old and feeble.  I did hit a home run....but it was only a 200 foot fence, but still!  I was proud.  Keatha was the only one missing....I missed her.  I needed someone besides Tonya to act a fool with.  Even with the umpires on our side (Terry Ray and my dad) we still could not pull off a win.  But again, it was loads of fun and I can't wait until next year.

My baby daddy will be back with us tomorrow and I can't wait!!  I really hate it when he is gone and Carter does to.  We may just have to pack up and go with him on the next one.

Well, it's about 30 minutes until class time and I still have to make myself look presentable.  Even though I am all natural beauty (bahahaha) I still need a little help sometimes.  So to the makeup pouch I go!

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