Sunday, October 28, 2012

Yesterday and this morning has been a better day with Carter.  He slept all night in his bed last night by himself and that was a HUGE help to me.  He still has his moments that one little thing can set him off and he just decides to go off on everyone within a 10 foot radius of him but at least it's not all day like it was.  Still no appetite....right when his weight started to spike, somewhat, he decides he don't need food for survive.  When all else fails.....cheerios and raisens always come to my rescue.

He loves crashing his trucks, cars, tractors....anything on wheels.  He rolls them off the couch and watches them roll.  Every time he does that I yell CRASH!!  He said crash last night twice for the first time after he sent them rolling.  He should be able to say it by now!!  He has only heard me say it about a million times.  Then when it was time to go to bed I said tell Daddy night night (like I do every night).  He said night night!  Go on with ya bad self, Carter!!  I love hearing his little voice.  Music to my ears.  So, it's coming slowly....but he's catching on!  Now I just wish he would say words on a regular basis instead of every now and then.  Then I would really be a happy mommy!!

Today at 2:00 we are celebrating Craig's birthday.  You better believe that I am going to chow down on something sweet.  Diet goes completely out the window today.  It's okay though because tomorrow is Monday and I always start over on Monday's. :)

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