Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cranky Carter

Having to get up at 4:45 a.m. to be at work on a Saturday is for the birds.  I hate that I had to leave my boy with him being sick and all.  AGAIN!!  102 fever, no appetite, cranky....the usual.  I swear he is allergic to the weekends.  I took him to the doctor yesterday and everything looked okay so like always, he said it is a virus and he has been seeing kids with it all day.  If there is a virus within 20 miles of Carter, he will get it. 

For two days now, Carter has been the crankiest kid on the planet, and that is so unlike him.  If someone looked at him the wrong way he was crying.  If I offered him a snack he was crying.  If I tried to pick him up he was crying.  If I left him alone he was crying.  There was nothing that I could do to change his mood.  There was a time that I almost got in the floor and cried with him.  Finally, yesterday evening, I pulled him across the floor while he sat in a cardboard box in the kitchen, while making trucks sounds, and that got some smiles.  So, hopefully today will be a better day for him and for the sake of me not pulling my hair out.  He did not have fever at all last night and he slept really well.  So, come on 2:00!!!  I need to take care of my boy!

I have been coughing my head off for 3 days now and it's really starting to get on my nerves.  My stomach muscles are sore from tightening up every time I cough.  A six pack would be nice but I don't want one that bad!  So I have been sucking on cough drops like they are going out of style and I have just about used a whole bottle of Vick's vapor rub.

Please rest of the weekend, be good to us!

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