Thursday, October 20, 2011

What is this World Coming To?

When I get to work in the morning, the first thing I do is turn the TV on to the Early Morning News and get breakfast ready.  I usually do not watch the news because all they put on it is depressing stuff.  But for some reason that's what everyone wants to watch so that's what I have to put it on.  I catch myself asking myself every morning, "What is this world coming to!?!"  There are some mornings when I just have to walk away.  Examples of these horrible stories are babies being found in trash cans and dumpsters wrapped in trash bags, 2 year olds going missing or just found at the side of the road walking around because they were just dropped off, 8 month old boy being beaten with broken ribs and brain injuries and not dying until hours later, and the latest is all of the caged, wild animals being released and a 4 year old getting attacked and mauled by a lion.  Again, WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!  The news literally starts my day off in a horrible way and I have to hold back tears.  My heart aches for these children that cannot defend themselves and have no one that cares for them or to protect them.  Life just is not fair somtimes.  I see children and babies in my very own town that I can tell are not taken care of very well.  If it was up to me, my house would have about 8 babies that I would have already stolen so I could take care of them.  Just breaks my heart.  How can anyone hurt a child or a small baby?  How could anyone just throw away a baby just like it is a piece of trash after they carried that precious life for 9 months and felt it grow and kick inside them?  The second I found out I was pregnant I was so in love with Carter.  The first time I heard the heartbeat and seeing him on the ultra sound brought so many tears of joy!!!  Then when I finally saw him in person and got to hold and touch him for the first time......there are no words.  I will forever remember that moment.  I would give my life for him without even pondering or hesitating and here these other mothers are killing their babies.  I can't wrap my head around that.  Sometimes it's hard not to look up and ask why?  But I have to remember that God does know what He is doing and His plan is so good and greater than I will ever understand.  I thank God every night, before I go to bed, for giving us the little miracle that is asleep in the room next to us.  I will never stop thanking Him for that.

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