Friday, October 28, 2011

Catherine the Complainer

I need some advice for all of you mothers out there.  I try my best to be the best mother and wife that I can be, but man it's hard!!!  Not that it's hard to try my best because I will always do that for my family, but it's hard to be good at it too.  Then on top of that I have to make room to workout so I can be healthy and fit for my family....and that's my "me time" and stress reliever.  If I didn't have that hour for me then I would probably go a little crazy.  There is seriously not enough time in the day to get everything done.  Here is a typical day for me :4:45 a.m. alarm goes off to start getting ready and 5:45 I leave for work.  Then I get off at 2:00 and about 2-3 days out of the week I have to go to Walmart to either get supplies for the hotel or for our house.  Then sometimes I have to run to the bank and put in the deposit and my paycheck.  I finally pick Carter up anywhere from 2:30-3:00.  Since I have been away from him all day long, we have play time for about an hour.  Then at 5:30 I have boot camp which ends at 6:30.  Right after boot camp I go home and cook supper.  7:30 bath time for Carter and bed for him right after.  Then I have to clean up the kitchen and get Carter's bag and clothes ready for the next day.  Not to mention all of the bottle and spoon feedings and diaper changes in between.  Then I have to go to bed because I just can't hold my eyes open any longer.

So, when is there time to clean my floors, bathrooms, vacuum, dust, AND DO THE LAUNDRY?!  Oh my...laundry.  That's a sensitive subject.  Before I go to bed every night, which is usually around ten, I put on a load in the wash, then when I get up in the morning I put that load in the dryer and put another load in the washer for Nick to switch over.  So, that leaves a huge pile of laundry that needs to be folded or hung up. 

I know what most of you are probably thinking......welcome to the life of a working mother.  But come on people.  There has to be a better way!!  AND I know what else you are thinking....where is your husband?  He works a lot longer hours than I do and gets up with Carter every night.  His hunting, like my workout, his his "me time".  And if he was to do the laundry, Carter's socks would end up with mine and my shorts would be stuffed in one of Carter's drawers.  That would drive me more insane than the pile of laundry.  I am so sick of spending my days off playing catch up.  So, for those of you who can keep up with all of their stuff and keep a busy schedule....tell me your secrets. 

1 comment:

  1. Please let me know if anyone gives you good tips. I should send you a picture of my pile of laundry, it would make you feel good I am sure. lol
