Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It has been one crummy morning.  Ever since Carter got his shots Monday, he has not been sleeping very well at night and running a slight fever.  He just gets really fussy around 1:00 a.m. and it is hard to put him back down.  He is fine as long as I am holding him but once I even hint that I am going to put him in his crib he starts crying.  That's what he does when he don't feel good.  Someone told us to just let him "cry it out."  Yeah right.  That's for the birds.  We tried that and it lasted a whole 2 minutes.  We just can't do it.  When my baby boy is not feeling good, I will hold him all night if that's what he wants.  He is only a baby once so I am going to hold him tight while I can.  I also started boot camp back up this week.  Needless to say, I am one tired momma.  So in result of my exhaustion, I get out of bed this morning at straight up 6:00 a.m.  I am supposed to be at work at 5:45.  I was at work by 6:08 and I live about 10 miles out.  Can you imagine what I look like this morning?  I am just telling my customers that Halloween came early at Southern Belle Inn, Inc this year.  My alarm is set for 4:45 and I didn't hear it until 6:00!!  Nick is apparently exhausted also because it didn't wake him up either.  Yes, I would like some cheese with my whine!

On a good note.....

California is in t minus 3 days.  I am giddy with excitement.  I love love love going to California.  I am so excited to see my Uncle Louie, Mom's brother, and for him to meet Carter.  I just feel like he is going to go bonkers over Carter.  Mom and I have lots planned already!  We are going to a Halloween party that my mom's cousin is throwing right when we get there Saturday.  We are going trick-or-treating in all the rich neighborhoods.  How's that for a first Halloween, Carter?  We are going to do lots and lots of shopping--the prices are unbeatable!!  Uncle Louie lives in a really nice neighborhood so we will take the jogging stroller out every morning.  I'm sure we will come up with lots more and pack it full in our 6 days there.

On a bad note.....

Mom and I are coming back on the 6th of November.  Nick is leaving the 4th of November for a Nebraska hunting trip and he will be gone for about 10 days.  That means he will go without seeing Carter for about 15 days.  He has not been away from Carter for over 4 days since he has been born.  This really has him upset and I really don't think he knows yet how much he is going to miss him.  Babies do lots of different things in a matter of 15 days.  They also change in looks a little too.  Good thing there are video recorders!  I will be staying with my parents for those 10 days while he is gone.  One thing that I don't think that my parents have thought about...and I have 1,000 that the crib is in my parents room and it is too big to fit through the door to move it into another room.  I may just go in and nail the crib down just to be on the safe side.  I see lots of good sleep in my future!

On an interesting note......

Ever since Carter has been born I have seen a huge difference in my hair.  It seems to get oily really really fast and when I straighten just looks dead.  My hair has never been like that and I just thought maybe it was the hormones acting all crazy and I just need to give my body time to adjust back to normal.  Well, I gave it six months and decided that it was not hormones because my hair was just getting worst and I just could not take it anymore.  I told my Nana about it and she said that I probably just had a build up in my hair and that washing my hair with beer or baking soda would do the trick.  I went over to my Nana's last night after boot camp, while Carter was with Nick at his parent's, and she washed it for me with baking soda mixed with water.  That is some good stuff!  My hair is so soft and not oily anymore.  I just looks and feels so healthy.  So, you should try it.  I plan on doing it about every 2-3 months.  You will be shocked at how your hair feels. 

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