Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Here Lately Ramble

Well, I have not rambled on and on about Carter or my life in a while so I thought I would make you happy and do that today.  I have been training someone at work so I have not had much time.  I'll tell you a little about what's going on with us here lately.

Carter is still growing and growing and growing.  There are some clothes that I have to throw in the "grown out" tub that he never got to wear and still have tags on them.  Most of his clothes that are in there have only been on his body one time.  It's a shame how much clothes and "stuff" that he has in his closet.

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See what I mean?  That is a very long closet and I cannot fit another piece of clothing in it.  I think it is safe to say that we have a problem.  He is currently wearing 6-9 month clothes.  That size is too wide for his body, but any size lower and they are too short.  He is long and skinny.

Carter still loves his baths.  When we walk in the bathroom and he hears the water running, I have to hold on to him tight because he gets so excited and smiles and starts kicking.  This week he has become very ticklish and anytime I wash under his arms, on his ribs, under his knees, or on his neck he starts laughing really hard and twitching.  That's a lot of places that I have to wash him so he pretty much laughs the entire time.  It's pretty hilarious.  Then when we get out of the bath to put on lotion it starts all over again.  That used to be his quiet, settle down time but not anymore!

He is 5 1/2 months old this week and I have started giving him rice cereal.  He did not know what to think about it at first but I think he is a fan.  When he took in the first bite he had to think about it for about 30 seconds and roll it around in his mouth, but then after he swallowed it he smiled and opened his mouth for more.  He tried to grab the spoon a couple times and try it himself but I do not think we are ready for that yet.  I filmed it and I do have pictures that I will post tomorrow.  He was nice to his Momma and did not make a  mess!  He also sat in his high chair for the first time and did great. 

Well, the time has come....IT IS HUNTING SEASON.  Nick does not get home until after dark so I am a one man team with Carter until then.  I am fine with that though.  I am really enjoying putting him to sleep, which is what Nick usually does.  It is definitely not a chore to me.  I swear that I have the sweetest child on Earth.  He loves his Mommy!  I can be behind Carter talking while someone else is holding him and he will break his neck looking for me and when he finally finds he his whole face lights up.  I know that the time will come, though, when he will want to go with his Daddy to do "guy stuff".  So I am soaking it all in while I can.

In a couple months I am going to start laying him in his crib so he can put himself to sleep.  I have not a clue how to go about this and it probably will not last too long.  Any suggestions?

I bought a jogging stroller yesterday for $50 dollars.  I know it is a little late to buy one since it is going to get cold here soon but I thought it was a pretty good deal and I should grab it while it's available to me.  Toshya and Casey will have kids too someday so I figure we could all use it.

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My "Old Man with No Teeth" look

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  1. Hey! About the napping thing... I did it with Brooklyn and it's the BEST thing ever to be able to just lay them down. The first thing I did was learn to look for the VERY first sign of sleepiness. If u wait til they start crying it's too late. Then just go lay them down. And don't give up! He'll get used to it and it's so worth it!

  2. Thanks!! I am going to try it. When did you start it with Brooklyn?
