Thursday, October 6, 2011

Starting Solids and Jogging

Like I said yesterday, Carter started on solids this week.  His first was rice cereal.  The pictures that I have posted are his second time to eat.  Instead of taking pictures of the first I just filmed it.  He did not know what to think at first but then caught on real quick.  I let mom feed him this time.

I also told you about the jogging stroller that I bought Tuesday.  Mom, Carter, and I took it for a spin.  It is an older model but I love it and wish I would have had it all summer.  Carter loved it too.  He was having fun looking at all the cool stuff outside.  Mom and I were having fun taking pictures of each other running yesterday.  I think we got more exercise from laughing at each other rather than the running part..

After that we went home and hung out for the rest of the evening playing in the living room.  I love this little boy to Heaven and back.

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