Thursday, October 27, 2011

Packing for Carter

Last night I attempted to pack me and Carter for our week in California.  I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off so I decided I had to sit down on the couch for several minutes before I started and plot on how to go about it.  I didn't even know where to start.  I have a hard time packing Carter's bag just for the day and even then I always forget something.  I got a piece of paper and a pen out and made a check list.  I thought that may be the safest way to go about it and not forget something.  I wish I would have taken a picture of it because the list was a mile long.  Seriously.

I got the biggest suitcase that I could find and try to fit all of his stuff, plus mine, in it.  My mom taught me a long time ago how to pack things to make the most room.  So I rolled up Carter's clothes real tight.  His clothes consisted of about 10 sets for warm weather, 8 sets for cool weather, and pajamas.  The weather in LA is warm during the day and kinda cool at night.  Then I had to make room for accidents along the way.  I felt like I was under a lot of pressure because he has tons of cute clothes and it was hard picking out which ones I wanted him to meet my family in.  Then I had to make room for his Halloween outfits. As I am typing this I have decided I may just go ahead and take some of his clothes out, because I know that I will buy him some cute clothes while I am there and my uncle does have a washing machine....we'll see. 

Anyways, after I managed to get all of his stuff in there it left me about 5 inches to put my stuff so I packed a couple of light dresses, one pair of jeans, one pair of Capri's, and a couple shirts.  I have been saving my money and shopping time for this trip so I plan on buying more clothes for me while I am there.  I thought it would be smart just to take one suitcase because I will have Carter, his stroller, car seat, and his big bag for the plain ride full of books, puppets, a toy that lights up and sings, flash cards, blanket, bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, teethers.....the essentials.  I decided I needed to ask the expert, Sydney, on what else I need to do.  Her daughter is one and has already been on 10 flights. to say she is super mom.   She informed me to purchase little Gerber snacks for him and let him watch his favorite DVDs on the portable DVD player.  Also, instead of taking the huge tote back that I was going to take she suggested a back pack.  How smart is she?  That will be the first thing I do after work today!!  Anything to make this experience the most enjoyable it can be.

Sorry, I have been lazy with the camera lately so no pictures!

1 comment:

  1. I started having to make check lists when we would go somewhere too! and the gerber snacks are great!
