Saturday, October 22, 2011

Carter's Day!!

Yesterday was Carter's day. 

He came to work with me for a while and I got nothing done and that was perfectly fine.  I got to feed him and play for a while.  We had fun!


Then we went to Walmart and he sat in the buggy like a big boy for the first time. He LOVED it!  And it was so much easier than having to deal with the big car seat.  Maybe our Walmart trips will start to be more enjoyable.  Thanks for the buggy cover Aunt Abbie!


Later that night we went to the homecoming football game.  All of the girls were so beautiful!  Carter took a little power nap during the first quarter but then he was ready to go when he woke up and loved every minute of it.  He finally went to sleep like 4 hours passed his bedtime but who was his half birthday!!  We had a lot of fun.  He was wore out and didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning.


Here are some other extra pictures from a couple days ago

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