Monday, October 10, 2011

Perfect Weekend

I have told you before that Carter LOVES to go outside.  The word love is actually an understatement.  He can just look out the window and get so excited.  Since it is so nice out here lately we have been going outside every afternoon when I get home from work.  He could stay outside all day.  Friday afternoon I put two blankets on the ground under the trees and we relaxed there for a couple of hours.  It was very nice and I very much enjoyed that time with him.  He loved looking up at the trees and watching the leaves fall.

He decided he wanted to read the book himself instead of me read it to him.  Learning farm animal noises is a hard subject!!!

Saturday we left around 9:00 a.m. and went shopping all day long with Callie Parker and her daughter Ava.  We had so much fun.  We saw some really cute stuff at the craft show.  Carter, for some odd reason, decided he did not want to sit in his stroller so I had to carry him and push the stroller at the same time.  He always loves his stroller.  I found out real quick that I am not a good stroller driver with one hand and I ran over about 5 people's heels.  One lady got really mad and said "EXCUSE YOU!"  I just had to apologize.  The old me would have gotten a huge attitude with her.  I fed Carter a bottle and he was fine from then on out.

Ava had a fan-something I need to invest in.

Had to stop for a quick diaper and outfit change!

Carter has started sticking his tongue out here lately.  He stayed like that all weekend long.  He likes when I try to grab it.  He thinks that is the funniest thing.

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