Thursday, September 15, 2011

Moving Up in the World

It was a glorious day in our house yesterday.  We got INTERNET!  I feel like Nick and I are so far behind in the technology world.  When we bought our own cell phones when we got married, we got the buy one get the other free deal.  They are pretty lame phones, I have to say.  They have lasted us both for almost two years and still working fine though.  I have a feeling that if we would have gotten smart phones, they would already be broken.  I swear I drop mine at least 5 times a day and it's always on concrete or our tile floor.  The back of my phone always flies off and my battery goes skidding across the concrete every time.  I can't tell you how many times a week I have to crawl under my car to retrieve all the parts that fly off.  My phone has a couple of scratches on it, but that's it.  I can get an upgrade if I wanted it, but I am scared to switch phones.  I am probably going to wait until the immortal phone that I have stops working then get another lame, immortal phone just like it. 

Carter has stopped completely taking naps during the day.  If he does, it is for 10 minutes only.  The more you try to rock him to sleep during the day, the more of a fit he throws.  He will hold his eyes open until he just can't any longer.  He almost fell asleep yesterday sitting up.  I have learned that if you lay him on his stomach and just leave him alone when he is really tired then he will eventually go to sleep......for 10 minutes.  He has even stopped falling asleep in the car.  I don't know whether he is just growing up or just really really stubborn.  But the upside to it is that he sleeps all night long.  I'll take it. 

Mia got him a car like Ava's only his is not pink!  This is a Johnny Jump Up in style!  He loved it!


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