Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Fair

After work yesterday, my mom and dad decided that they wanted to take Carter to the fair to see all of the animals.  I was hoping that the rides were going so he could see all of the lights and music but that does not start up until this evening.  We may have to go again.  He did like it but he was kinda sleepy and his gums were bothering him.  It was also very hot!  He was sweating towards the end.  He did not fuss one time though.  He was such a little trooper.

First we stopped by to see the cows


Then we stopped by to see the pigs

This pig weighed 1,025 pounds!

This is when I knew he would not last much longer
Next was the goats.  I think they were his favorite.

The chickens were last


About two minutes after the chickens

Poor guy held his eyes open for as long as he could. 
 Overall, I think he was a fan of his first fair!

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