Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We had a wonderful and busy Labor Day weekend

Friday afternoon Mom, Carter, and I drove to Texarkana and made Holli and Mary Bess some dinner after her surgery.  She is doing pretty good.  Great attitude.  Nick hurt his ankle pretty bad...cow got the best of him.  Not broken...thank goodness (for a second there I thought I was going to have to take care of two babies.)
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Saturday we drove to Little Rock to see Baby Myken.  I loved getting to see him and Brit and I plan on making a trip soon so Myken and Carter can spend time together.  Carter stayed with Nick half the time and Nana the other half and they said he was a good boy.


Saturday Mom, Carter, Nana, and I drove back to Texarkana and spent the day with Holli and her mom and made supper again.  We had a blast.  So glad I got to spend time with my BFF all day.

When we got back Nick, Carter, and I went and ate at our good friend's parent's house.  Carter got to see Ava and drive her car.  They had a blast.  Carter had an accident through his clothes while we were there.  Ava didn't seem to mind.


Sunday we went to church then ate lunch with my family.  After that, Carter and I went home and hung out all day.  Daddy had to work until after dark.  I think that long weekend just wore him out!
My wonderful parents let me off Monday so we could go spend time with Nick's family.  We had a blast.  Carter has tried to start crawling.  He is starting to scoot!  Then I went and spent time with my family and Carter was wore out.  Everyone still enjoyed him though.

The only thing missing the whole weekend was Uncle Keller!  We all miss him so much.

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