Monday, September 12, 2011


Since I had to work Saturday, Carter got to spend the day with his Grammy and Grumps.  They said that he had a great time and did not cry once.  He must of had a blast because usually when he goes without seeing me for a while his whole face lights up when he finally does.  This time he did not care a thing about me.  All eyes were on Grammy and Grumps and he was smiling from ear to ear.  They said that they took him outside a lot and let him look at the flowers around the yard.  They also said that he was very interested in the cows.  I am sure he was thinking, "Man, that's a big dog."  He would much rather be outside than inside any day.  I really hope that he is like that when he gets a little older.  I would much rather him be outside playing than inside watching TV, playing video games, or playing on the computer.  I really wish I would have reminded Nick to take my camera with him so they could take pictures.

We did not make it to church yesterday.  We were both not feeling all that great.  My Nana did cook lunch for everyone though so we made our way to her house so we could help around 10:00.  Carter showed everyone his new trick.  He is sitting up by himself with the support of his hands in front of him.  He is growing up on me way too fast.  I thought I had about another month before he figured out that trick.  Later we went and met our distant cousin, Lainey Beene.  She is so beautiful.  Carter looked like a giant beside her.  I don't guess I realized how much he has grown since I see him every day.  Made me really sad.  I will post pictures of Carter's new trick and Lainey tomorrow.  I took them with my Nana's camera for some reason and forgot it.

Yesterday evening, Dad had to give a speech about 9-11 since it was the ten year anniversary.  It was a pretty important speech because he made a proclamation, so we worked on that for a little while.  Dad did a really good job on it.  We were all so proud of him.  My brother, Justin, is a fireman and they were noticed.  This all happened at the park.  When 9-11 happened, I was in the 8th grade in Home EC watching it on TV.  I was watching it again yesterday.  Now that I am watching it in a much more mature manner it just breaks my heart.  I wish I understood it then like I do now.  My heart goes out to all the families that lost loved ones.  I can't imagine getting a phone call from my husband or mother telling me goodbye and that they love me for the last time.  It also made me think about the men and women that are fighting for our country right now overseas.  I was proud to stand when they asked us to if we had a love one that was currently serving.  They are risking their lives for us so that we can go about our daily lives without a fear. 

Keller, thank you so much for what you do for us.  I will never be able to show enough of my gratitude.  Here I am worrying about how many times I am going to get up at night with Carter and you are living in fear for your life.   I can't tell you how much I admire you for that and I can't wait until Carter is old enough to understand how truly brave you are.  We love you.

Some pictures at the park

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