Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fun Facts

Fun Facts about Carter

  •  Carter LOVES his baths.  He splashes the entire time.  There are some nights that he never stops laughing throughout the bath.  When I start to pick him up out of the water, he gets mad. 
  • He is starting to be a Momma's Boy!  I thought for a second there that he was a Daddy's Boy but Nick can say something and he just kinda smiles and I can say the same thing and he starts cracking up.  I must look funny to him.
  • Dirty and wet diapers do not bother him in the least bit.  Most babies get a little fussy, but Carter will lay there dirty or wet with no problem.  He is most definately all boy.
  • He will not take a paci.  There are sometimes that I beg him to take one to put him to sleep, but no.  He likes the same two fingers every time.
  • He loves watching cartoons, especially the ones that sing.  He will sit and watch them and make the funniest faces and noises.  Disney Junior is his favorite channel.  I see him and Nick fighting over which cartoon to watch someday.
  • He is getting pretty good to this whole sleeping thing.  He is down by 8:15-8:30, gets up around 5:00 for a bottle, and is back up usually around 6:30-7:00.  He has an internal alarm clock.
  • He has never slept with us in our bed.  Since the day he was born he has slept in his own bed, in his own room.  He seems perfectly content with it.  I am so glad that we never started that.  I would never sleep knowing he was in bed with me. 
  • He does not like to be held all that much, unless he is sick.  He would much rather lay in the floor entertaining himself or be in his swing.  If he is held for too long he will let you know that he wants down.  He makes it very clear.
  • If you want to see him throw a fit, just take about 3 minutes instead of 30 seconds to make him a bottle.  You're in for a treat.
  • His protectors are my parent's little chiuauas.  If someone new comes near him, they jump in front of him with their hair on their back standing straight up and growling.  Not gonna lie, they are pretty fierce.
  • He has started sucking in his lips into his mouth.  It makes him look like an old man without teeth.  It's pretty cute.
  • He loves when a book is read to him.  He sits there so still and quiet and looks at the entire page very slowly.  I have come to realize that he is a thinker.  He thinks and ponders on everything that he looks at.  When he has his mind on something, it is very hard to get his attention or distract him from it.  He must have gotten that from Nick.  I do not stay on a subject for very long.
  • He loves for me to whisk my hair in his face.  He thinks that is the funniest thing.
  • Outside is the place to be.

My boy is already sitting up by himself with support of his hands

I never thought that I could love something this much. 



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