Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mirror Mirror On the Wall, Who's the Best Looking Baby of Them All?

Carter absolutely LOVES looking at himself in the mirror.  We really have fun with him and mirrors.  He will look really serious at himself for a second, then just smile from ear to ear.  Then after he looks and smiles, he gets bashful and turns his head into my neck.  He thinks he is the cutest baby on Earth.  Either that or he just thinks that the other baby in the mirror just always smiles back at him.  He would do that exact thing all day if we let him.  If I ever need about 30 minutes to get ready, I can just sit him in his bumbo and place him in front of a mirror and he is entertained for a little bit.

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We had a great night with our friends Cody and Callie Parker.  Carter and Ava had a good time as always.  We are so glad to have them as our friends.  Cody and Nick could talk for hours about hunting and what not and Callie and I have great conversation as well.  It's great to have children the same age.  She sure has given me great advice when Carter is sick and introduced us to come really cool toys that Carter loves.

They sat beside each other on their date in their bumbo seats.  They were angels like always.  I made a stupid move and put my drink beside Ava's seat.  She is a grabber and spilt it all over Callie's lap.  That definately was not her fault and something I am going to have to watch for and get used to.  Sorry Callie. 
I think we have come to realize that Carter and Ava have two different personalities.  Ava always likes to have her eyes on the action and she loves getting attention from others.  She is just a social little butterfly.  Carter is too busy entertaining himself and very fascinated with what his hands look like or trying to get his foot in his mouth.  Opposites attracted, right?!! 

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