Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Carter and his Mia

Yesterday when I got to my mom's house to pick up Carter I decided that I wanted some pictures of Carter and Mom.  I do not have very many of them together.  Carter sure does love his Mia.  Every time he sees her in the morning his whole face lights up.  I can be on the phone with her and he can just hear her voice and he gets so excited.  I am so blessed to have her keep him every day.  She is the reason that Carter is learning things so fast.  They read books together, they say their ABC's and 123's, sing, dance, have tummy time, work on sitting up, have nap time, and she has him already starting to crawl.  I only hope that one day he realizes just how much he is loved by her.  So, here's what we got:

Keatha, this picture is for you (one by the tree)

Of course I had to take a few:


Later that night when we were sitting at home, I walk into the living room and saw my two boys watching cartoons.  Not sure who is enjoying them more though....


  1. 1. You look JUST like your mom!!
    2. Carter is PRECIOUS!!!! I wanna squeeze him!

  2. Yay for tree pictures!! Carter is growing up so fast! i really need to see him soon!
