Friday, September 9, 2011


The things that Carter will laugh at are so funny.  For some reason he laughs when I say the ABC's.  I can't even get passed C without him just cracking up.  He can be in a dead sleep and you can lightly say A...B....C and he will smile.  Yesterday, before I left my mom's house he was just smiling at the ABC's instead of laughing.  So, we decided to kick it up a notch.  Mom, starting rapping the ABC's.  She went all out with the DJ hands, dark manly voice, moving her head from side to side, and shaking her butt.  Carter could not even hold his head up he was laughing so hard.  Where is my video camera when I need it?!?  Of course what was funny to Carter five minutes ago, is no longer funny.  So, when I got home I tried to show Nick what he was laughing at and I just ended up looking like an idiot that needed some serious help.  Carter just looked at me like....are you done?

I am a believer of the Oragel.  Either he slept all night or I was so tired and didn't hear him cry.  Either way he was alive this morning so it's all good.

I love watching Lifetime.  I pay about 140 bucks a month to Directv to watch one channel.  How lame is that?  I am in love with Dance Moms.  There are new episodes that come one every Wednesday at 9:00.  My favorite little girl is Chloe and all I want for her is to beat Maddie.  Yes, these are 8 and 9 year old girls that I am talking about.  I do have a life, I promise.  I played with Carter the whole time I watched them.  He loves when they dance because of the music.  Nick likes the show too, he just will not admit it.  He gives me his input on how Mrs. Abby, the dance teacher, treats the little girls bad and how she messes up on the costumes she picks out for them....ha!

Carter has yet another date with Miss Ava tonight.  Ava's mommy got a new ride yesterday so they are going to break it in with their styling carseats.  In my opinion I think they are moving a little fast for their age.  They keep holding hands and sharing each other's toys and rolling on top of each other.  We will have to keep an eye on those two. 

He loves his toes!

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