Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Boot Camp

I guess that this whole teething thing is getting the best of my little Carter.  He was fussy all day yesterday and running a little fever.  He just wanted to be held all day long and he is never like that.  Actually, if you hold him for over 5 minutes he starts getting fussy because he wants to be put down usually.  Yesterday, while I was at work, Mom called and put the phone beside Carter and  he was SCREAMING because she laid him down.  He was absolutely mad and throwing a fit.  I guess he just wanted his Mommy because when I got there I held him for a little while and laid him down and he was fine.  The second I left he started screaming again.  Poor thing.  I finally got him to sleep and he slept for about 2 hours.  His longest nap, during the day, in the last month has been about 20 minutes!!  I figured since he got in a really long nap that he would wake up happy so I took him to my Nana's while I went to boot camp.  When I got back from boot camp she said that he had been crying the whole time.  But my dad had him and he was fine and asleep.  We checked his temp and it was almost 101.  We gave him Tylenol, gave him a bath, and put him to bed.  At 3:00 this morning I checked his temp. and it was 100.  I gave him more Tylenol.  I just hope he feels better this morning when he wakes up.  I HATED to leave my baby since he don't feel good.  I just hope it is only teething and nothing more serious.

Let's talk about Boot Camp.  HOLY MOLY!  Since I was a baby and fat making machine for 9 months, I really struggled.  It is hurting for me to type right now.  Actually, it is hurting for me to blink my eyes right now.  When I wiggle my toes, it hurts my fingers.  I was really struggling to hold my arms up to straighten and brush my hair this morning.  You get my drift?!  It was hard.  Think of P90X times four!  The only time that I have ever been this sore was my first week at UCA playing softball.  We did so much calf muscles work and we could not walk the next day.  Keatha, think of that pain all over your body and that's me.  You should have seen me trying to give Carter a bath in the tub bending over.  I would have definitely won the money on America's Funniest Home Videos.  The best part is that there is another class just like it tonight.  I honestly don't think that there is any possible way.  It was literally the worst hour of my life.  I would rather give birth every single day than go through that pain.  All the workout was, was lunges, squats, ab work, and arm work.  Don't sound that bad, right?  That's what I thought before I took the class.  It was more like 321,654,561,231 lunges with weights in your hands, 52,465,135,451 squats with weights in your hands, 63,456,313,543,521 of various ab work, and the smallest part was the arms.  We only had about 1000 of them.  With all that being said, I am so glad that I am doing it because I know I will get great results.  The teachers that are teaching the class are absolutely wonderful.  I know that I just have to get passed this first week and I will really love it.  It feels really good to be back to the workout world. 

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