Thursday, September 29, 2011

Yesterday was "Bring Your Child to Work Day"  We had so much fun and as you can see I didn't get anything done.

Then we went home and had some fun for a while

Later we went out and ate with our friends Callie, Cody, and Miss Ava.  Then they came over to the house.  Carter and Ava had fun.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Here Lately

Saturday we went shopping and Carter made a friend.  He was so interested in this little boy.  My Aunt Patti came to visit us while we shopped.

Sunday, he actually took a pretty long was 25 minutes.

We went to see cousin Nolan.  They fought over Carter's mirror.  They both held their own pretty good!

Nolan's face is priceless
Nana got to spend time with Carter

Friday, September 23, 2011

Flying Super Hero Baby

I'm so glad that I didn't take Carter to his doctor yesterday.  He no longer has fever.  It broke Wednesday night at some point.  He felt so much better yesterday and back to being just normal Carter.  I figured out why he got sick and made me stay home on Wednesday.  It was his 5 month birthday!!  We celebrated all day long and I even sang to him.  The day was completely about him and I got to hold and play with him all day.  I would get really happy then want to start crying....haha.  5 months already?!  How could that be?  It's funny because when I go shopping for him I always see a newborn suit and pick it up to buy it before I look at the tag and realize it says newborn.  They always look like they should fit him.  I just can't get it through my head that he is wearing 6-9 month size.  It just does not seem possible. 

It is all happening way to quickly and I can't stand it.  I love watching him learn, explore, and ponder on everything but does he have to get older and bigger?  I always thought it was so dumb that my mom cried on our first days of school, prom, when I left for college, when she would not look at me on my wedding day so she would not fall apart, or when I became a mother.  I now understand completely.  I am going to be a basket case when these days come for my Carter.  I guess you just have to have a child to understand that feeling.

Here are some pictures of yesterday

He came to work to see me
Mom, Dad, and Carter went next door to Western Sizzlin and came back chewing on a lemon rind.  He loves it.  Don't worry, once he has teeth, we won't let him.

When we got home he decided to be the Flying Super Hero Baby

Daddy can always make him laugh

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Playing Hookey

Yesterday, Carter and I decided to play Hookey.  He slept for most of the day Tuesday.  He does that when he has some fever.  So by 4:00 A.M. Wednesday morning he was up and ready to go.  I put him in bed with  me and we watched cartoons until about 7:15.  I could not hold my eyes open any longer and made Nick take him for a couple of hours.  He was still running 101-102 fever.  If it goes through today then we are making an appointment to the doctor.  Even though he was running fever and not feeling that well he could still get enough strength to smile and laugh.  Babies and small kids are so tough.  I am not sure why Carter keeps getting fever and no other symptoms that come with it.  He gets really high fever at least once a month.  He is teething but his doctor said that teeth would not cause that much fever.  His fever got up to 103 earlier yesterday morning.  I figured it might be something he is allergic to but I called Children's Hospital and talked to a nurse (yes, I am one of THOSE mothers) and she said that if it was an allergic reaction to something then he would have other symptoms like rash or swelling.  Who knows....I guess some babies just do that sometimes.  Last time we went to the doctor he had 104 fever and he was kicking and laughing at the doctor.  Doc looked at me like....and why are you here?!  So, I have just been giving him Tylenol every 4 hours and giving it some time instead of rushing him to the doc.  Even though my sidekick was sick, it was still such a blessing to spend the entire day with him.  To you mothers that do not have to work and can spend time with your child every day at home, count your lucky stars!  I am trying to talk my boss into letting me go part time with full time pay....I'm sure not getting my hopes up :)

I think he was faking it just so I would stay home and play :)

Even though he was sick and did not feel like himself he still felt well enough to go to school.  He was the best student ever!  Think I go overboard?  He actually loves the flash cards and really acts interested.  It keeps his attention for a long time, just as books do.

Look closely at his toes.  When he concentrates his four little toes curls up.  So cute!

P.S. 2nd day of  boot camp was just as hard as the first and the pain I was feeling Tuesday, it doubled.  Another workout tonight and I can't move.  We'll see how this goes.  This has been a pretty rough week for this Momma.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Boot Camp

I guess that this whole teething thing is getting the best of my little Carter.  He was fussy all day yesterday and running a little fever.  He just wanted to be held all day long and he is never like that.  Actually, if you hold him for over 5 minutes he starts getting fussy because he wants to be put down usually.  Yesterday, while I was at work, Mom called and put the phone beside Carter and  he was SCREAMING because she laid him down.  He was absolutely mad and throwing a fit.  I guess he just wanted his Mommy because when I got there I held him for a little while and laid him down and he was fine.  The second I left he started screaming again.  Poor thing.  I finally got him to sleep and he slept for about 2 hours.  His longest nap, during the day, in the last month has been about 20 minutes!!  I figured since he got in a really long nap that he would wake up happy so I took him to my Nana's while I went to boot camp.  When I got back from boot camp she said that he had been crying the whole time.  But my dad had him and he was fine and asleep.  We checked his temp and it was almost 101.  We gave him Tylenol, gave him a bath, and put him to bed.  At 3:00 this morning I checked his temp. and it was 100.  I gave him more Tylenol.  I just hope he feels better this morning when he wakes up.  I HATED to leave my baby since he don't feel good.  I just hope it is only teething and nothing more serious.

Let's talk about Boot Camp.  HOLY MOLY!  Since I was a baby and fat making machine for 9 months, I really struggled.  It is hurting for me to type right now.  Actually, it is hurting for me to blink my eyes right now.  When I wiggle my toes, it hurts my fingers.  I was really struggling to hold my arms up to straighten and brush my hair this morning.  You get my drift?!  It was hard.  Think of P90X times four!  The only time that I have ever been this sore was my first week at UCA playing softball.  We did so much calf muscles work and we could not walk the next day.  Keatha, think of that pain all over your body and that's me.  You should have seen me trying to give Carter a bath in the tub bending over.  I would have definitely won the money on America's Funniest Home Videos.  The best part is that there is another class just like it tonight.  I honestly don't think that there is any possible way.  It was literally the worst hour of my life.  I would rather give birth every single day than go through that pain.  All the workout was, was lunges, squats, ab work, and arm work.  Don't sound that bad, right?  That's what I thought before I took the class.  It was more like 321,654,561,231 lunges with weights in your hands, 52,465,135,451 squats with weights in your hands, 63,456,313,543,521 of various ab work, and the smallest part was the arms.  We only had about 1000 of them.  With all that being said, I am so glad that I am doing it because I know I will get great results.  The teachers that are teaching the class are absolutely wonderful.  I know that I just have to get passed this first week and I will really love it.  It feels really good to be back to the workout world. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Busy Weekend!

We had a pretty busy weekend.  And to those of you that read this, when you see me you have the right to forehead slap me because I did not take one single picture with my camera because I forgot it. 

Friday night we were originally going to go over to Nick's parent's house and visit with Nolan, Neil, and Abbie.  Nolan got really sick so they did not end up coming down.  I was going to go visit with Britni, Drew, and Myken Saturday all day but my mom and dad decided that they wanted to go watch the Scrapper game against CAC Friday night.  I just thought it would be smart if I rode up with them and visited with Britni Friday night and Saturday morning.  I had a wonderful time with Brit and we got to do some catching up.  Her baby boy, Myken, is so precious and wonderful.  I am beyond happy for them.  My Carter was such a good boy and did not even whimper one time.  He was all smiles all weekend long.  Friday night, Mom, Dad, Carter, and I stayed in a really nice hotel.  I made a really soft bed on the floor for Carter and put pillows all around him.  He seemed to like it because he slept pretty hard.

Saturday we drove home from Little Rock and stopped at Old Navy on the way.  I got Carter some really cute winter clothes.  The prices are not all that bad there.  I will definitely be doing more shopping for him there.  We met in Hope and ate Sheba's for my Papa's birthday celebration.  I go there so much to eat, I am at a first name basis to them.  Papa loved it because all of the attention was on him the whole night.  He got almost 200 dollars from everyone!  Again, Carter was wonderful :)

Sunday, we went to church.  It was a very emotion service.  It was Brother David and Mrs. Anna's last Sunday to preach as our pastor of the church.  He is retiring.  I took it kinda hard because everything big that has happened in my life he and his wife have always been there.  They saved and baptized me and Nick, were there when my Mema and Papa passed away, gave me a wedding and baby shower, directed and pastored my wedding, and came to visit whenever Carter was born.  I just cannot imagine anyone else doing the job that they have done.  We had a lunch for them afterwards and again, Carter was all smiles the whole time.

After the church service we went and visited cousins Tonya and Sumo.  They were wonderful and loved Carter.  I love their house.  It is very welcoming and I think the house fits them very well.  Carter laughed at Tonya the entire time.  They will be great parents one day (hopefully sooner than later).

After we left Tonya and Sumo's we went and visited Grams and Grumps.  Carter finally had a fussy spell because he was so dog tired, but did not want to go to sleep.  He didn't give up easily but he finally lost the battle and fell asleep.  After a 15 minute nap he was in a wonderful mood and back to his happy go lucky self. 

Not too long ago, I bought this little jewel.
The Baby Bullet.  Was I a little gullible when I bought it?  Probably.  I know that it is just as good to get a normal blender to make his food that I already have at home but it would not be as cute, right?!  No preservatives for my precious baby boy.  It is actually really neat.  The book it comes with gives a lot of different recipes and what are good "first" foods and when to give certain foods whenever he is a little older and foods that might be harder on their belly.  It also gives examples of good eating schedules and when would be the best time of day to feed him.  As you can see, it also comes with several different things to store his food in.  I'm pretty excited to use it.  I have done a little research and for the cost of a two pack pre-made shelved meal, you can make ten meals for that same price.  Also, a premade shelved meal has a lifespan of 3 years.  I would not feed myself a three year old banana and I am surely not going to feed my baby that.  No thank you!  For those that do buy the premade meals, no judgement there.  I know that if I had to work until 5 or so every day or if I had several children to take care of than I would probably do the same.  I get off at two so I have time to do this.

Friday, September 16, 2011

One Man Team

Yesterday after work I picked Carter up from my Mom and Dad's house and took him over to my Nana and Papa's so they could spend some time with him.  My papa sure can make Carter laugh!  They had a great time.  I also decided to lay down beside Carter and take some pictures of us myself.


Around 5:30 Carter and I headed over to Grammy and Grump's house (Nick's parents) to eat.  We had hamburger steak, fried okra, baked potato, and rolls.  It was really good.  Everything that is cooked at that house is always awesome.  Nick was hunting so he didn't get to eat with us.  Carter had a great time over there like he always does.  They took him outside and he just looks around the entire time.  We are going back over there to eat again tonight to see Nolan, Abbie, and Niel.  Can't wait! 

I left their house around 7:50 so I could give Carter a bath and in bed by 8:30.  We usually start our bath at 7:30 so this time we had to do everything quick style.  Nick was still hunting or something then had to stop at his parents house to eat so I was a one man team.  Nick has definitely spoiled me and I really missed him doing his part to put him to bed.  For those single mothers or parents of twins.....hats off to ya!  But we managed to make it to bed and Carter slept all night long.  Go ahead, you can call me super mom if you want :)

Tomorrow Carter and I are going to Little Rock to visit with Britni, Drew, and Myken the whole day.  I am beyond excited.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Moving Up in the World

It was a glorious day in our house yesterday.  We got INTERNET!  I feel like Nick and I are so far behind in the technology world.  When we bought our own cell phones when we got married, we got the buy one get the other free deal.  They are pretty lame phones, I have to say.  They have lasted us both for almost two years and still working fine though.  I have a feeling that if we would have gotten smart phones, they would already be broken.  I swear I drop mine at least 5 times a day and it's always on concrete or our tile floor.  The back of my phone always flies off and my battery goes skidding across the concrete every time.  I can't tell you how many times a week I have to crawl under my car to retrieve all the parts that fly off.  My phone has a couple of scratches on it, but that's it.  I can get an upgrade if I wanted it, but I am scared to switch phones.  I am probably going to wait until the immortal phone that I have stops working then get another lame, immortal phone just like it. 

Carter has stopped completely taking naps during the day.  If he does, it is for 10 minutes only.  The more you try to rock him to sleep during the day, the more of a fit he throws.  He will hold his eyes open until he just can't any longer.  He almost fell asleep yesterday sitting up.  I have learned that if you lay him on his stomach and just leave him alone when he is really tired then he will eventually go to sleep......for 10 minutes.  He has even stopped falling asleep in the car.  I don't know whether he is just growing up or just really really stubborn.  But the upside to it is that he sleeps all night long.  I'll take it. 

Mia got him a car like Ava's only his is not pink!  This is a Johnny Jump Up in style!  He loved it!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

First Fair

After work yesterday, my mom and dad decided that they wanted to take Carter to the fair to see all of the animals.  I was hoping that the rides were going so he could see all of the lights and music but that does not start up until this evening.  We may have to go again.  He did like it but he was kinda sleepy and his gums were bothering him.  It was also very hot!  He was sweating towards the end.  He did not fuss one time though.  He was such a little trooper.

First we stopped by to see the cows


Then we stopped by to see the pigs

This pig weighed 1,025 pounds!

This is when I knew he would not last much longer
Next was the goats.  I think they were his favorite.

The chickens were last


About two minutes after the chickens

Poor guy held his eyes open for as long as he could. 
 Overall, I think he was a fan of his first fair!