Monday, January 30, 2012

Uncle J's Birthday

Saturday evening we celebrated Justin's, my little big brother, 26th birthday.  We all had a good time.  Justin got so much stuff!!

Party pooper :)

Birthday boy

Nana and Papa

Will and Erin Bell-Justin's sister and brother in laws

Is he not handsome?

Justin's mother and father in law

Happy couple!

Beautiful family

This next picture looks exactly like Justin's baby pictures.  Is this not the sweetest face you have ever seen?

Nick was gone to Conway for the last weekend of duck hunting so I was playing the single mother roll all weekend.  Carter and I had so much fun and we got to have lots of family time.  We even got to spend quality time with cousin Nolan.  Even though Nolan was not feeling too well he was still such a joy.  He is getting bigger and bigger and starting to free stand.  What a big boy!!

Carter actually slept good all weekend.  He cried for about 3-5 minutes at least once each night but put himself back to sleep.  So proud of him!  Carter is going through a little phase right now and he will only let the people that he knows well hold him.  He has never been like that before!!  He has always loved other people.  But not now!!  AND he is really starting to show a little attitude.  He will slap your hand away from him or he will throw his bottle down when he is done with it.  He has also started to growl when he gets mad.  I got news for you little boy.....TOUGH LUCK LITTLE BUDDY!!!  This momma is not starting all that.  We are going to nip that in the bud real quick.

But he has learned to give kisses.  Every time he reads his books and he comes across a baby or small child he always gives it kisses.  It is PRECIOUS!!  They are the best slobbery kisses ever.  Also, he is learning his body parts.  He knows where his nose is.  Every time we say, "Where's your nose?" he touches his nose. Smart boy!  Also, we think he said cat the other day.  Mom has been having a cat roam around her house for a couple weeks and mom always asks him where the cat is.  But maybe that is just wishful thinking on our part....but it sure sounded like it.  We have not heard it again, so maybe not.

He is going really fast walking behind his walking toys.  Also, he is a fast crawler now.  He has figured out that he does not have to stay on the rug.  So I am now having to follow and chase him everywhere and I am loving every minute of it.  I thought that I would dread having to follow him but I love to see him explore stuff and figure out things.

He absolutely refuses to eat fruits and veggies whole.  They have to be pureed for him to eat it.  He loves peaches and peas pureed but spits them out if they are in little chunks and makes a gross face.  Weird kid.  He is eating so much right now!!  He is eating about 10 oz of food at each meal and drinks anywhere from 8-12 oz. at a time.  I had to make him 2 six oz bottles yesterday back to back.  I have no clue how he is in the 15 percentile in weight.

We have been brushing our teeth together for quite a while now but I have never taken pictures of it.  Carter loves it.  Well, he loves the taste of the fake toothpaste.  It's grape!  We brush our teeth twice a day together!

He thinks he is the prettiest baby ever!

Mom had to come and help

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