Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Quality Cousin Time

Carter and Nolan got to hang out yesterday.  They pretty much ignored each other for the most part.  This time, though, when they did interact with each other, it was Nolan that was doing the hair pulling.  Carter was doing it last time.  Carter did not take it as well as Nolan though.  Babies are so funny!!  It was so adorable watching them crawl around together.  I can't believe how fast they are growing up on us.  Nolan will be 1 next month!  Blows my mind.  It seems like a couple months ago that we were both pregnant at the same time.

I am really starting to see results from boot camp!!  Wooo hoooo!!  I have not lost any weight on the scales but I can tell that my clothes are fitting much better.  I have actually gained one pound.  I could care less what the scales say as long as I like what I see in the mirror.  I keep telling myself that I am gaining more muscle.  I tried on my bathing suit the other day...just to see...and I still have a ways to go.  It kinda depressed me.  Lake/pool season is creeping up and I am wanting to take Carter out on the barge some this summer.  The whole dieting thing is so new to me and it is really hard.  I have learned the hard way but one meal can kill ya.  I could have a slim fast in the morning, salad for lunch, and pizza for supper and go way over my calorie goal.  I hate that!  It's like you can't ever have a weak moment or all that hard work just goes down the drain when you do.  Plus, I eat pretty much the same thing all the time because all I have ever eaten my whole life was Italian and Mexican food.  Both verrrrrry high calorie.  I need to research all of my options. If you are dieting....join fitnesspal.com!  It's amazing and it really helps keep me on track and holds me accountable.

My dad received a pretty cool award last night for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  I am so proud of him and his accomplishments.  He is an amazing mayor.  He has worked so hard to get where he is today.  I am so glad that I have my mom and him as role models.  I hope that I am as hard working as them one day.  I definitely have huge shoes to fill if I ever want to follow in their foot steps.  All my dad has ever done his whole life is take chances and step out on limbs.  That takes so much courage.  Knowing there is a chance of failure and still giving it a try.  He has always believed in himself and I think we should all take note of that.  Of course he would not be able to do any of it without the support and hard work from my mom.  She is his rock.  Most importantly, they both love our Lord and I think they show that in their every day life.

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