Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hunger Games

If you love to read...well actually even if you don't love to read...you need to read The Hunger Games.  You will love it and will not be able to put it down.  I actually enjoyed it way better than the Twilight Series.   The movie is coming out March 23!!  I just bought the next book in the Hunger Games Series about 5 minutes ago.  It is called Catching Fire.  So this blog is going to be short and sweet so I can get to reading. 

Yesterday I took Carter over to Aunt Toshya's house.  I am so thankful for her because that is my time to get a lot of stuff done at my house.  There is really not a better feeling than having absolutely no laundry to do.  Every time I wash, dry, fold, and put up the huge pile in the laundry room floor, I always say that I am just going to do a load every night and keep up with it.  I am serious this time.  New year, new me.  We'll see how long this lasts.  But I honestly plan on it sticking. 

At 2:30 Nick and I went to pick up Carter and headed to Texarkana to get my new door.  It was the first time for us to take him to Texarkana without it being a doctor appointment.  We went to Gander Mountain and hung out for a little bit, then went to Home Depot, and ate at Chilis.  He was a little angel the whole time.  You could tell that he really loved being with us.  He sat in the buggy and high chair like the big boy that he is.

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