Monday, January 23, 2012

9 Months

Well, I have not had a computer in several days so I have really dropped the ball on my blogs and fitnesspal which will start back tomorrow.  I don't have Internet on my phone because I'm lame I guess. 

Anyways.  Thursday night we decided to give Carter whole peas for the first time.  He was not too crazy about them but he ate them.

Saturday night Nick, Carter, and I went out to eat at the Sunset Grill.  Then after that we went over to visit Callie, Cody, and Ava Parker.  Ava is just a little rock star!!  She is pretty much running behind her walking toys and taking about 7-8 steps all by herself and she is only 10 months old.  She really really impressed Nick and I.  We could not stop talking about her the whole way home.  She is so coordinated.  Whenever she does get the whole walking thing down 100% all she is going to do is run.  She does not have a slow mode.  Her and Carter seemed like they had a pretty good time together.  Since she can walk and Carter can't too good yet they came up with this bright idea.....she pushes Carter in her wagon.

Sunday we went to church and then came home and Carter and I both took a 2 hour nap in the big bed.  THAT NEVER HAPPENS!!  I felt so good when I woke up.  Then we just hung out for the rest of the day.

Nick and I broke down and decided to go ahead and get a baby gate for the fire place.  Carter just can't leave it alone and has come close to hitting his head on it several times. 

Well Saturday was Carter 9 month birthday.  Again, I can't stand it.  He is learning so much every day.  It's seriously scares me at how many different things he is doing all the time.  One day he sat up by himself, the next day he crawled, the next day he stood up in his crib, the next day he pulled up on the couch, the next day he walked behind his toys, and I am just waiting for the first step without any support.  He is just doing too much for my taste.  He does know what the word no means and he actually listens pretty well (beside leaving the fireplace alone.)  I know my time is coming when that will change though.

Today was his 9 month check up.  He was a crazy child at the dr. appointment.  He was trying to crawl off the table, he pulled the stethoscope out of the doctors ears and he was swinging at his flashlight.  While he was doing all of that he was screaming like a girl.  His weight was 18 lbs 8.5 oz.  That put him at 15 percentile.  That blows my mind.  He does not look that skinny to me.  But again, the doctor was not concerned about it.  He expected his weight to fall off some since he is so much more active now.  Plus he is eating like a horse and growing really well.  His length was 29.5 inches.  That puts him in the 85 percentile.  That went up 10 percent.  His head was in the 40 percentile.  That went up 10 percent also.  He's a growing boy!!  I feel sorry for him because his knees are bent up in his car seat and he is starting to look uncomfortable.

Richard Carter,

Another month has come and gone.  Crazy, huh?  You just keep amazing me over and over again with how smart you are and how determined you are to figure something out.  I have learned more about you this past month than I have your whole 9 months of living.  Your winning personality is really starting to shine through and I am falling more and more in love with it....and I had no idea that was possible.  There are no words for me to say to express how much love I have for you.  You are a great little explorer.  You get into EVERYTHING!  I love how you have to sing yourself to sleep every night.  It is the funniest thing you do.  You just moan for about 5 minutes until you can't hold your eyes open any longer.  I love how you wake up in the best mood every morning.  You are so happy to see me in the morning that you literally jump up and down in your crib.  You love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  It's your favorite!  I love you baby boy to Heaven and back!!

Love, Mom

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