Thursday, January 19, 2012

Date with Ava

When I got home yesterday, I went straight into Carter's playroom.  I could not wait to see his new shelves.  But, when I got there they were still hammering and drilling away so I had to wait about an hour.  Carter and I went to my room and got in the big bed to snuggle and watch tv for a while.  He has always been a good snuggler but here recently he loves it!  And I love it more than he does and of course he just loves being in the big bed.  After about an hour I could not take it anymore so I had to go look. 

My crafty husband and his uncle did  that!  I'm pretty impressed.  We have lots of staining and some sanding to do but it will look like a piece of furniture that we bought from a store after we are done with it.  We still have to attach it to the wall because my crazy kid will be climbing on it one day I'm sure.  But I love it and it goes beyond my expectations.  Not sure if you can tell how big it is in this picture but it pretty much takes up the whole wall side to side and top to bottom.  It's huge!

At 6:00 we met our friends Callie, Cody, and Ava Parker at Fisherman's Cove.  This is what Carter did half of his date:

But then he woke up and decided to be sociable.

They were both really good the whole time.  Poor miss Ava has been a little sick but she was a happy girl last night!

Carter is doing really well with his juice in his sippy cup and I am thinking about making him drink out of it full time.  We'll see how that goes.  Before he refused to drink out of it right before bed and that was about a month ago so maybe he will do better this time.

I was so excited about this weekend because I was going to go to Oklahoma for Kade's, Keatha's son, first birthday party.  Excited is not a good word for it.  I was way beyond that.  But I got a phone call yesterday from our weekend night manager and two of his best friends passed away this week.  One in a car accident and I'm not sure how the other happened.  One of them he is so close to that he calls her his sister.  So sad.  So he said that he is going to need some time off and I am betting it is this weekend.  Sooooo....since I have gone to working only 3 days a week, my job is also to fill in for the ones that has to be off.  I am more than happy to fill in for him because I can't imagine the pain he is in but....still stinks!!  We'll see!

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