Monday, January 2, 2012


Thursday night my husband came in the house with a very nice surprise for me.  I know all of you ladies will be so super jealous!!  I had told him that we are going to have to start thinking of a pet for Carter. I was thinking maybe, for starters, a gold fish.  And this is what he comes in with: 

Yes my friends, that is a little hog.  In case you didn't get it the first time....a HOG!!  A nasty, smelly, snorting messy hog.  And the best part is...there is not just one.  There are two babies.  How wonderful!  He and his uncle went hog hunting that day and they killed a big hog that he thought was by itself.  After they had shot it they heard squealing so they went over to see.  Two small babies...maybe a couple days old.  So Nick, being the baby-loving softy that he is, brings them home because he could not think of the thought of leaving them out there to starve or be eaten.  He said that if he would have known they there were two babies he would not have even thought about shooting it.  Yes, that is one of Carter's bottles and nipples that WILL be thrown away after the hogs are done with it.  I do love my husband.  Really.


What's Carter up to?  Being sweet and looking cute!!  He is over his little stomach bug issue.  He has learned to give kisses.  He is a little confused though.  When he leans in to give kisses he always ends up biting my nose, chin, cheek, ect.  Whatever he can get those teeth on he does.  It is so sweet though.  I know it is a horrible habbit for him to start but I can't bring myself to try to stop it.  He is starting to cry whenever I leave when someone else watches him.  I hate it but I just say you are ok, give him a kiss, and leave.  I never give in and pick him up because I hear that just encourages it.

He is really getting good with his feet and doing really well learning how to walk.  He hates the whole crawling thing and just wants to stand up and take steps.  When he pulls up on something he always lets go thinking he is bigger than he is.  He is getting very close to walking behind his walking toys.  He is nowhere near walking by himself or anything but he is doing pretty good.  We have had to lower his crib because he literally tries to lean over to get out of it.  Talk about a few minor heart attacks.

2011 has by far been my most memorable/special year of my life.  For so many reasons.  So, 2012, let's do this!!

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