Thursday, February 2, 2012


I believe I have the funniest child on the planet.  You just never know what he is going to love or be scared of.  Mom was reading him books yesterday and it was all about animals and the sounds that they make.  Mom said, "The lion goes RRROOOOOAAARRRRR!!"  She yelled it and he smiled.  They turned the page.  "The Owl goes hooooot hoooooot!!!"  He smiled and they turned the page.  "The cow goes moooooooo!!"  He got hysterical.  How funny and weird is that?  It amazes me how little brains like that work.  What in the world triggered his little mind to be scared of the moo cow instead of the roaring lion??  The blender and vacuum he is terrified of but the hair drier he is ok with. I can sneeze without giving him warning and he starts crying but I can cough and he is fine.  Too funny!

I FINALLY found a vegetable that he will eat in chunks.....sweet potatoe!  He loves them!  Last night he ate his 10 oz. of pureed beans, peaches, and apples...then ate A LOT of sweet potatoe.  I was a happy momma!!  Tonight I will try squash.

I am not exactly sure how to start making his food more chunky in the blender, but I think it is time to start making it really textured.  So, I am going to start with brown rice and some other vegetable.  He will run out of food tomorrow so I guess that's when I will start.

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