Monday, January 9, 2012

Mommy's Day

Since Carter has been sick, he has wanted to be with me 24/7.  That's understandable.  He always gets like that when he has fever.  He does not want to be put down for one second.  But the bad thing is that he would not sleep unless I was there with him.  So, I have had to sleep with him in the big bed.  I guess I kinda had to.  Because when he started crying and throwing a fit for me his fever would shoot up sky high.  I have never slept so bad.  Carter is a crazy peron the bed.  I woke up one time and hi feet were in my face and I lost count of the times he slapped me.  He is no longer running fever so I had to make him cry it out for about an hour last night.  I hated it!!!!!!  That's really hard for me to do. 

Anyway, yesterday after church Carter went and spent the day at Grams and Grumps house.  They said that he was in a great mood all day for them and they really enjoyed him.  I got everything done at my house.  I have absolutely no laundry, dusting, floors, or rooms to do today and usually Monday is my cleaning day.  Nick took Carter to Aunt Toshya's.  So, I am just going to have a mommy' day.  I woke up at 9:30 and I am going to read and lay around all day.  This has not happened in about 9 months.  I could do some deep cleaning like baseboards....but naw.  Also, my sweeping job is taken care of because I bought a Robo cleaner for my floors.  I wanted other people to buy it first so I could see how good it worked since it costs so much.  My whole house is hardwood or tile (which is white so everything shows up) except for the bedrooms.  It is so worth the 400 bucks!!!!  I was having to sweep literally every day sometimes twice a day.  My robo is scheduled to run at 1 am while we are asleep and it really does pick up everything.  I now sweep every other day or every 3 days.  It's awesome!!  It even does carpet!!!

Carter is still having trouble breathing but no more fever or constipation.  He is our happy boy again!!!  Here he is learning how to walk behind his toys.  He LOVES his CAT Work Truck!!!  It's his favorite!

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