Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Boot camp started again yesterday and my legs and behind are super sore....my targeted areas!  Running in place, squats, step ups, and lunges.  I am so glad to be back working out though.  Feels good!!  Right when I first started, it took everything I had to get me there but now I actually look forward to it.  The people I work out with make it so much easier to look forward to also.  So now I am back to working out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  I am also really going to try to watch what I eat and drink a lot more water.

I joined a website that I absolutely love.  myfitnesspal.com.  It's amazing and free!!  You can also get up to five friends involved and you can hold each other accountable for what you eat and how much you work out but we can't see each other's weight...that's confidential.  It makes it so much better when friends are involved.  My friends that I sent invites to are my sis in laws, Toshya and Abbie, and my best friend Britni.  I really hope that we can stick with it.  I have 2 more spots open so if you would like to join us, let me know!!  You put in your goals and they tell you how many calories you need to eat and burn off.  I am currently weighing 134 and I am wanting to get down to 125 again.  I want to do it the healthy way....slow and steady.  My goal is 1 pound a week.  I read that if I do it that way, then my chances are greater to keep it off after I lose it.  We'll see!!!  I'm ready to get this baby weight off once and for all!!!

How's Carter?  Wonderful!  He cried for me again last night around 3 but Nick just went in and rubbed on his belly, told him he loved him, and walked back out.  He cried for about 5 minutes and went back to sleep.  So glad we are finally getting back on our regular schedule.  He is 8 1/2 months old and he has officially moved into 12 month clothes.  He is swimming in them but anything else is way too short.  9 month clothes fit him perfect around but shirts end up being belly shirts and he is waiting for high waters to come in pants.  He must have gotten that from one of his uncles, because Nick and I have never had that problem.  I keep hoping he will be tall and slender like his Uncle Justin.

Happy Tuesday everyone!!

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