Thursday, December 29, 2011

Another First....

First family sick day.

While I was at work yesterday morning, I got a phone call around 7:30 from my mom.  She said that I needed to call Nick and tell him to bring Carter to me at work because she was so sick.  Stomach virus symptoms.  Yuck!!  So Nick brought him to me around 8:00.  I love having Carter at work with me but I had so much to do yesterday.  So I just threw it to the side and said that I would get it all done tomorrow.  We played for a while then I started to feel really bad.  It was like all of a sudden I was hit by an 18 wheeler.  I got really light headed, my head started pounding, and my stomach started cramping up really bad.  So, I called my Aunt Gloria and asked her to come and get him because I didn't think he needed to be around me.  She did and I told her that I would pick him up at 2:00.  By the time 2:00 rolled around I thought I was going to die.  I called Nick and told him to go pick Carter up and that he will have to take care of him for the rest of the day.

When I got home I pretty much crawled in my bed and passed out.  I was running 101 fever and just felt horrible.  I had 101 fever but I was freezing.  My joints hurt and my skin was so sensitive.  I hate feeling like that and it had been a while since I had.  I laid in bed for about 4 hours and decided to come check on the boys.  Carter had been asleep off and on for 4 hours!!  He only does that when he is sick.  He also had diarrhea....bad!!  Nick had 3 of Carter's suits that had poop in them because he blew out of his diaper.....poor thing!!  He never once cried or acted sick though.  And he did not have fever.  It amazed me how tough babies and little kids are.  Anyways,  Carter has been up since 6 this morning and Nick is still in bed sick.  I had felt better this morning so I decided to eat some cereal since all I had yesterday was half of a
Slim Fast.  Really paying for that decision now.  All I want to do is go back to bed and Carter is pooping all over the place and laughing and playing.  Go figure.

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