Monday, January 30, 2012

Uncle J's Birthday

Saturday evening we celebrated Justin's, my little big brother, 26th birthday.  We all had a good time.  Justin got so much stuff!!

Party pooper :)

Birthday boy

Nana and Papa

Will and Erin Bell-Justin's sister and brother in laws

Is he not handsome?

Justin's mother and father in law

Happy couple!

Beautiful family

This next picture looks exactly like Justin's baby pictures.  Is this not the sweetest face you have ever seen?

Nick was gone to Conway for the last weekend of duck hunting so I was playing the single mother roll all weekend.  Carter and I had so much fun and we got to have lots of family time.  We even got to spend quality time with cousin Nolan.  Even though Nolan was not feeling too well he was still such a joy.  He is getting bigger and bigger and starting to free stand.  What a big boy!!

Carter actually slept good all weekend.  He cried for about 3-5 minutes at least once each night but put himself back to sleep.  So proud of him!  Carter is going through a little phase right now and he will only let the people that he knows well hold him.  He has never been like that before!!  He has always loved other people.  But not now!!  AND he is really starting to show a little attitude.  He will slap your hand away from him or he will throw his bottle down when he is done with it.  He has also started to growl when he gets mad.  I got news for you little boy.....TOUGH LUCK LITTLE BUDDY!!!  This momma is not starting all that.  We are going to nip that in the bud real quick.

But he has learned to give kisses.  Every time he reads his books and he comes across a baby or small child he always gives it kisses.  It is PRECIOUS!!  They are the best slobbery kisses ever.  Also, he is learning his body parts.  He knows where his nose is.  Every time we say, "Where's your nose?" he touches his nose. Smart boy!  Also, we think he said cat the other day.  Mom has been having a cat roam around her house for a couple weeks and mom always asks him where the cat is.  But maybe that is just wishful thinking on our part....but it sure sounded like it.  We have not heard it again, so maybe not.

He is going really fast walking behind his walking toys.  Also, he is a fast crawler now.  He has figured out that he does not have to stay on the rug.  So I am now having to follow and chase him everywhere and I am loving every minute of it.  I thought that I would dread having to follow him but I love to see him explore stuff and figure out things.

He absolutely refuses to eat fruits and veggies whole.  They have to be pureed for him to eat it.  He loves peaches and peas pureed but spits them out if they are in little chunks and makes a gross face.  Weird kid.  He is eating so much right now!!  He is eating about 10 oz of food at each meal and drinks anywhere from 8-12 oz. at a time.  I had to make him 2 six oz bottles yesterday back to back.  I have no clue how he is in the 15 percentile in weight.

We have been brushing our teeth together for quite a while now but I have never taken pictures of it.  Carter loves it.  Well, he loves the taste of the fake toothpaste.  It's grape!  We brush our teeth twice a day together!

He thinks he is the prettiest baby ever!

Mom had to come and help

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I get so jealous when I hear all of these moms saying that their baby sleeps all night long and takes all these long naps during the day.  Makes me very bitter.  Carter does not sleep any longer than 20 minutes during the day and has maybe slept through the night 6 times.  And even 6 may be too much.  What the heck am I doing wrong?!!??  I have tried everything in the book.  He is 9 months old and only has 2 teeth so maybe it is teething.  I have blamed it on teething since he was 3 months old...haha.  I guess  it's just time to accept the fact that I have a bad sleeper on my hands.  He did not get that from me.  I could sleep through a tornado.  THANKS NICK!!

Last night he was up every 30 minutes from 7:30 til about 1:30 then was up for good at 4:30.  And what gets me is that he is very happy and does not act like he is hurting one bit.  When he got his first two teeth he ran fever and he did act like he is that's why I really don't think it is teeth.  Spoiled rotten maybe?!

Anyways, enough complaining.  Here is the picture of the year right here.

I was changing his diaper and looked away for literally 2 seconds to grab a diaper and when I turned back I see his little booty crawling away.  It was so cute!!  He stayed that way for a good 10 minutes and he loved it.  Isn't that a really cute tooshie?!  I can't wait to see what he has to say about this in 15 years.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nocturnal Baby

I just don't know what I am going to do with my child.  He is driving us bonkers at night!!  He has verrrry poor sleeping habits!  He absolutely refuses to sleep during the day.  If I knew without a doubt that I would not hurt him, I would try my hardest to find that nerve in his neck that would make him go to sleep for a couple of hours and gently squeeze.  Or does that only exist in the karate movies?  You would think that since he has not slept all day long that he would sleep all night right?  Because that's what normal babies do.  Well, my sweet child, that does no wrong of course, went to bed at 8:30 (which is late for him), woke up at 3:30 for about an hour and FINALLY went back to sleep after we fought for a while, then was up for good at 5:30.  And what gets me is that he does not act like he is sleepy!  He is ready to crawl around and watch cartoons.  He is in the best mood....even at 3:30.  He only gets cranky because we make him go back to sleep.

But to look on the bright side of least he is happy.  I guess he could be crying the whole time when he wakes up so it could be a lot worse.  We have just come to the conclusion that he only wants to be with us at all times...but who could blame him?  We are so cool! :)  He is the funniest thing!!  We have a video monitor and he for sure knows what the camera is for above his crib.  He knows that we can see him in it.  So he stands up in his crib and looks into it with a grin and without making a sound.  His looks just say,"Okay come get me.  I'm up!  Time to play!"


If that's all I have to complain about with him then I should count my lucky stars.  My child is still a superstar and my hero and I am most definitely his biggest fan!

I missed boot camp last night for the first time.  We had some family that came in from Virginia for the first time in about 10 years.  I hated to miss but so glad I did.  We had an awesome time catching up.  They have not changed a bit!  Their dad, who passed away several years ago, is my papa's brother.  We used to see them at least once a year, for Christmas, when my great grandfather was alive.

Afrin.  Have you used it?  If you ever have a stuffy nose that you can't get rid of or if it is keeping you from sleeping, get this stuff!!  I have never used it before and I am really impressed.  It really works and it worked for about 12 hours!


He is a mess people!!!  I can't turn my head for 2 seconds.

Monday, January 23, 2012

9 Months

Well, I have not had a computer in several days so I have really dropped the ball on my blogs and fitnesspal which will start back tomorrow.  I don't have Internet on my phone because I'm lame I guess. 

Anyways.  Thursday night we decided to give Carter whole peas for the first time.  He was not too crazy about them but he ate them.

Saturday night Nick, Carter, and I went out to eat at the Sunset Grill.  Then after that we went over to visit Callie, Cody, and Ava Parker.  Ava is just a little rock star!!  She is pretty much running behind her walking toys and taking about 7-8 steps all by herself and she is only 10 months old.  She really really impressed Nick and I.  We could not stop talking about her the whole way home.  She is so coordinated.  Whenever she does get the whole walking thing down 100% all she is going to do is run.  She does not have a slow mode.  Her and Carter seemed like they had a pretty good time together.  Since she can walk and Carter can't too good yet they came up with this bright idea.....she pushes Carter in her wagon.

Sunday we went to church and then came home and Carter and I both took a 2 hour nap in the big bed.  THAT NEVER HAPPENS!!  I felt so good when I woke up.  Then we just hung out for the rest of the day.

Nick and I broke down and decided to go ahead and get a baby gate for the fire place.  Carter just can't leave it alone and has come close to hitting his head on it several times. 

Well Saturday was Carter 9 month birthday.  Again, I can't stand it.  He is learning so much every day.  It's seriously scares me at how many different things he is doing all the time.  One day he sat up by himself, the next day he crawled, the next day he stood up in his crib, the next day he pulled up on the couch, the next day he walked behind his toys, and I am just waiting for the first step without any support.  He is just doing too much for my taste.  He does know what the word no means and he actually listens pretty well (beside leaving the fireplace alone.)  I know my time is coming when that will change though.

Today was his 9 month check up.  He was a crazy child at the dr. appointment.  He was trying to crawl off the table, he pulled the stethoscope out of the doctors ears and he was swinging at his flashlight.  While he was doing all of that he was screaming like a girl.  His weight was 18 lbs 8.5 oz.  That put him at 15 percentile.  That blows my mind.  He does not look that skinny to me.  But again, the doctor was not concerned about it.  He expected his weight to fall off some since he is so much more active now.  Plus he is eating like a horse and growing really well.  His length was 29.5 inches.  That puts him in the 85 percentile.  That went up 10 percent.  His head was in the 40 percentile.  That went up 10 percent also.  He's a growing boy!!  I feel sorry for him because his knees are bent up in his car seat and he is starting to look uncomfortable.

Richard Carter,

Another month has come and gone.  Crazy, huh?  You just keep amazing me over and over again with how smart you are and how determined you are to figure something out.  I have learned more about you this past month than I have your whole 9 months of living.  Your winning personality is really starting to shine through and I am falling more and more in love with it....and I had no idea that was possible.  There are no words for me to say to express how much love I have for you.  You are a great little explorer.  You get into EVERYTHING!  I love how you have to sing yourself to sleep every night.  It is the funniest thing you do.  You just moan for about 5 minutes until you can't hold your eyes open any longer.  I love how you wake up in the best mood every morning.  You are so happy to see me in the morning that you literally jump up and down in your crib.  You love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  It's your favorite!  I love you baby boy to Heaven and back!!

Love, Mom

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Date with Ava

When I got home yesterday, I went straight into Carter's playroom.  I could not wait to see his new shelves.  But, when I got there they were still hammering and drilling away so I had to wait about an hour.  Carter and I went to my room and got in the big bed to snuggle and watch tv for a while.  He has always been a good snuggler but here recently he loves it!  And I love it more than he does and of course he just loves being in the big bed.  After about an hour I could not take it anymore so I had to go look. 

My crafty husband and his uncle did  that!  I'm pretty impressed.  We have lots of staining and some sanding to do but it will look like a piece of furniture that we bought from a store after we are done with it.  We still have to attach it to the wall because my crazy kid will be climbing on it one day I'm sure.  But I love it and it goes beyond my expectations.  Not sure if you can tell how big it is in this picture but it pretty much takes up the whole wall side to side and top to bottom.  It's huge!

At 6:00 we met our friends Callie, Cody, and Ava Parker at Fisherman's Cove.  This is what Carter did half of his date:

But then he woke up and decided to be sociable.

They were both really good the whole time.  Poor miss Ava has been a little sick but she was a happy girl last night!

Carter is doing really well with his juice in his sippy cup and I am thinking about making him drink out of it full time.  We'll see how that goes.  Before he refused to drink out of it right before bed and that was about a month ago so maybe he will do better this time.

I was so excited about this weekend because I was going to go to Oklahoma for Kade's, Keatha's son, first birthday party.  Excited is not a good word for it.  I was way beyond that.  But I got a phone call yesterday from our weekend night manager and two of his best friends passed away this week.  One in a car accident and I'm not sure how the other happened.  One of them he is so close to that he calls her his sister.  So sad.  So he said that he is going to need some time off and I am betting it is this weekend.  Sooooo....since I have gone to working only 3 days a week, my job is also to fill in for the ones that has to be off.  I am more than happy to fill in for him because I can't imagine the pain he is in but....still stinks!!  We'll see!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Party Planning

I have decided to go ahead and plan Carter's 1st birthday party.  I figure it will be a lot easier on me if I go ahead and get it done.  Waiting until the last minute to do something like this drives me insane.  He will be 1 in 3 short months.  I have looked and looked for a theme for several weeks and there is one that I keep going back to.  The rest of them just kinda look a little girly to me and if it didn't I just didn't like the look of it really.  Plus, the theme had to pass the inspection test by macho daddy and he REFUSED to allow me to have a girly theme and I REFUSED to have a camo/hunting party.  So, here is what we both agreed on:

You can't ever go wrong with a sports theme for a boy.  Since Nick and I both played sports I thought that it would be pretty cool.  I wanted to go with something that was not so babyish too.  Nick calls Carter his little all-star all the time so I thought that it made it extra special.  There will be kids of all ages there so I guess I wanted them to enjoy it too.  I am having so much fun planning this!!  I even have his cake and cupcakes all figured and drawn out for the cake dude and I have all of his decorations found.  So all I have to do is punch in how many of what and order it then I'm done.  The prices from a website that I found are unbeatable.  I am also excited that his birthday is on a Saturday so his big birthday bash will be on his actual birthday.  Today I am on a mission to find him a 1 year old birthday suit to match his theme. 

I can't wait to make his day allllll about him the whole day.  I sure hope he is in a good mood!!  That is one thing that I am going to do for my kids.  They are going to have huge birthday parties.  I mean, come's a day set aside one day out of the year to celebrate the day they came into this world.  That's a big deal!  It is going to be one day that makes them feel so special.  Will he remember his first birthday?  No....but we will have pictures and a video to show him how much he is loved.

His shelves for his playroom are being put in today along with my new door.  I am going to have a great surpise when I get home.  I have no idea what the shelves are going to look like so I am so excited.  Nick and I will still have to stain them but that's the easy part.  I picked up my door Saturday and I am so in love with it.  It is even prettier than what the display looked like.  I'm excited to go home!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Quality Cousin Time

Carter and Nolan got to hang out yesterday.  They pretty much ignored each other for the most part.  This time, though, when they did interact with each other, it was Nolan that was doing the hair pulling.  Carter was doing it last time.  Carter did not take it as well as Nolan though.  Babies are so funny!!  It was so adorable watching them crawl around together.  I can't believe how fast they are growing up on us.  Nolan will be 1 next month!  Blows my mind.  It seems like a couple months ago that we were both pregnant at the same time.

I am really starting to see results from boot camp!!  Wooo hoooo!!  I have not lost any weight on the scales but I can tell that my clothes are fitting much better.  I have actually gained one pound.  I could care less what the scales say as long as I like what I see in the mirror.  I keep telling myself that I am gaining more muscle.  I tried on my bathing suit the other day...just to see...and I still have a ways to go.  It kinda depressed me.  Lake/pool season is creeping up and I am wanting to take Carter out on the barge some this summer.  The whole dieting thing is so new to me and it is really hard.  I have learned the hard way but one meal can kill ya.  I could have a slim fast in the morning, salad for lunch, and pizza for supper and go way over my calorie goal.  I hate that!  It's like you can't ever have a weak moment or all that hard work just goes down the drain when you do.  Plus, I eat pretty much the same thing all the time because all I have ever eaten my whole life was Italian and Mexican food.  Both verrrrrry high calorie.  I need to research all of my options. If you are dieting....join!  It's amazing and it really helps keep me on track and holds me accountable.

My dad received a pretty cool award last night for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  I am so proud of him and his accomplishments.  He is an amazing mayor.  He has worked so hard to get where he is today.  I am so glad that I have my mom and him as role models.  I hope that I am as hard working as them one day.  I definitely have huge shoes to fill if I ever want to follow in their foot steps.  All my dad has ever done his whole life is take chances and step out on limbs.  That takes so much courage.  Knowing there is a chance of failure and still giving it a try.  He has always believed in himself and I think we should all take note of that.  Of course he would not be able to do any of it without the support and hard work from my mom.  She is his rock.  Most importantly, they both love our Lord and I think they show that in their every day life.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Checking Cows

Friday morning Carter and I went to Nana's house and ate breakfast.  After that my dad came over and wanted to take Carter to check the cows and I decided to go too.  Carter loves it!!!  Don't worry we were just in the pastures.  Otherwise he would have been in his car seat.  Carter really drives!!  Dad goes a long time without touching the steering wheel.  I was pretty impressed.  Carter loves every second of it and I am pretty sure that my dad enjoys it 100 times more.

Saturday I went to Texarkana to spend time with my best friend Holli.  We had such a good time!  We did some much needed catching up.  She now lives in Dallas for chiropractic school.  I feel so far from her and I HATE it.  I know we didn't see each other enough before but it felt good knowing that she was only an hour away.  I think I asked her to drop out and move back for me but I don't think she went for it.

Pierce Arrow was amazing yesterday.  I am so glad that I went.  Lots and lots of laughs and great music.  I got to see family that I don't get to see all that much and it was great.  I am so proud of my little cousin Loredana.  She is such a joy and becoming such a mature and happy young lady.  You can tell that she really cares for other people.  My Papa is so crazy about her and she does such a good job making him feel special.

Carter has decided that he likes the whole crawling thing.  My dad has taken all the credit for this.  He still likes to be on his feet more but he has accepted the fact that he has a while until he can do that by  himself.  For the most part he has limited himself to crawling just on the big rug in the living room.  Thank goodness!  Every now and then he will venture off to the kitchen.  I am not ready to have to follow him all the time yet.  Our rock fireplace scares me to death.  Any chance he gets, he crawls over to it and pulls up.  I am proud of him for that but he is still a little shaky on his feet.  Time to put some padding on it.

It is like a light bulb has come on in Carter's head.  He is really figuring out everything so fast.  He is getting too smart for his own good.  Kinda scary.  It hurts my soul that he is going to grow up.  I refuse to accept that he is going to be one soon.  REFUSE!!  He is NOT in size 12 month clothes right now. Nope.

I have decided not to baby proof the house.  The only cabinet that I might close off is the cleaning supplies that under the sink.  Yes, I will put the plugs in the outlets and put stuff that will hurt him from the lower cabinets to the higher ones, but I am going to let him explore them and let him get it out of his system.  I am going to teach him not to bother breakables.  It's a very good time to start teaching him what acceptable and what's not.  I was told by many mothers to do that because if you close off everything in the house and they do go somewhere that is not baby proofed then they are going to go crazy trying to get into them.  It may change but that's the plan right now.

Here is something crazy.....I am getting the newborn baby fever.  WHAT??!!!  There are lots of people that are having babies left and right.  I held my cousin's little newborn baby a couple weeks ago and I missed Carter being that small so much.  I would give anything for him to be that small again.  No, we are not going to have a baby anytime soon because Nick does not like that idea.  I would have another one in a heartbeat.  It would be tough but who cares!!  I think Carter would love a little sibling.  But, it is going to be at least 2-3 years.


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pierce Arrow

My mom had to go to Little Rock with  my dad for some meetings today so Nick has to keep Carter all by himself until 2.  That should be very interesting.  I wish I could see him try to feed him with a spoon.  I don't think he has ever done it before.  It is very tricky with Carter because, like me, he gets very very excited when he sees his food.  He does not wait for you to bring the spoon to him.  Instead he leans forward so fast and you never know when he is going to do it.  He keeps you on your toes!  When we are at home, it is just easier to put him in his diaper and that's it because we make a mess!!  And her recently he has started wiping his mouth (with food all over it) with his hands then rubbing his hair or his eyes.  Crazy kid!  I made what I know he will go bonkers for: bananas and pears.  So he will be double excited.  Sorry Nick....maybe you will really feel bad about not ever helping me feed him.

So, Carter is not happy unless he is on his feet standing or walking.  If there is nothing around him to pull up on then he gets very antsy and kinda fussy.  He REFUSES to crawl over to something to pull up.  So we have to go over to him, set him up on his feet and he is a happy camper.  He is starting to crawl more, but he goes backwards.  Always.  But he only crawls just for the heck of it.  Not to get something or because he is wanting to get somewhere.  I am thinking we are just going to have to let him get mad and cry until he figures out we are not going to run and pick him up anymore.

He is getting very good at self soothing himself back to sleep at night.  I think he woke up about 4 times last night and we did not go in to rub on him.  He cried for about a minute each time and went right back to sleep.  His gums are definitely bothering him.  I am looking for another tooth to come in any day now.  I hope very soon so he can get some relief again.

I have a very fun and busy weekend ahead.  Carter will be spending lots of time with Nick's parents, my parents, and my Nana.  Tomorrow Nick and I are going to a Celebrating Home party, Saturday I'm going to Texarkana to see my best friend Holli, and Sunday my Nana and I are going to watch Pierce Arrow in Magnolia.  Pierce Arrow has a very funny comedian and great singers.  Awesome and clean entertainment.   We always go see them in Branson so we were so excited when we found out they were coming to Arkansas.  We are meeting others there too that we can't wait to see.

So until after the safe and happy Thursday!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Boot camp started again yesterday and my legs and behind are super targeted areas!  Running in place, squats, step ups, and lunges.  I am so glad to be back working out though.  Feels good!!  Right when I first started, it took everything I had to get me there but now I actually look forward to it.  The people I work out with make it so much easier to look forward to also.  So now I am back to working out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  I am also really going to try to watch what I eat and drink a lot more water.

I joined a website that I absolutely love.  It's amazing and free!!  You can also get up to five friends involved and you can hold each other accountable for what you eat and how much you work out but we can't see each other's weight...that's confidential.  It makes it so much better when friends are involved.  My friends that I sent invites to are my sis in laws, Toshya and Abbie, and my best friend Britni.  I really hope that we can stick with it.  I have 2 more spots open so if you would like to join us, let me know!!  You put in your goals and they tell you how many calories you need to eat and burn off.  I am currently weighing 134 and I am wanting to get down to 125 again.  I want to do it the healthy way....slow and steady.  My goal is 1 pound a week.  I read that if I do it that way, then my chances are greater to keep it off after I lose it.  We'll see!!!  I'm ready to get this baby weight off once and for all!!!

How's Carter?  Wonderful!  He cried for me again last night around 3 but Nick just went in and rubbed on his belly, told him he loved him, and walked back out.  He cried for about 5 minutes and went back to sleep.  So glad we are finally getting back on our regular schedule.  He is 8 1/2 months old and he has officially moved into 12 month clothes.  He is swimming in them but anything else is way too short.  9 month clothes fit him perfect around but shirts end up being belly shirts and he is waiting for high waters to come in pants.  He must have gotten that from one of his uncles, because Nick and I have never had that problem.  I keep hoping he will be tall and slender like his Uncle Justin.

Happy Tuesday everyone!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mommy's Day

Since Carter has been sick, he has wanted to be with me 24/7.  That's understandable.  He always gets like that when he has fever.  He does not want to be put down for one second.  But the bad thing is that he would not sleep unless I was there with him.  So, I have had to sleep with him in the big bed.  I guess I kinda had to.  Because when he started crying and throwing a fit for me his fever would shoot up sky high.  I have never slept so bad.  Carter is a crazy peron the bed.  I woke up one time and hi feet were in my face and I lost count of the times he slapped me.  He is no longer running fever so I had to make him cry it out for about an hour last night.  I hated it!!!!!!  That's really hard for me to do. 

Anyway, yesterday after church Carter went and spent the day at Grams and Grumps house.  They said that he was in a great mood all day for them and they really enjoyed him.  I got everything done at my house.  I have absolutely no laundry, dusting, floors, or rooms to do today and usually Monday is my cleaning day.  Nick took Carter to Aunt Toshya's.  So, I am just going to have a mommy' day.  I woke up at 9:30 and I am going to read and lay around all day.  This has not happened in about 9 months.  I could do some deep cleaning like baseboards....but naw.  Also, my sweeping job is taken care of because I bought a Robo cleaner for my floors.  I wanted other people to buy it first so I could see how good it worked since it costs so much.  My whole house is hardwood or tile (which is white so everything shows up) except for the bedrooms.  It is so worth the 400 bucks!!!!  I was having to sweep literally every day sometimes twice a day.  My robo is scheduled to run at 1 am while we are asleep and it really does pick up everything.  I now sweep every other day or every 3 days.  It's awesome!!  It even does carpet!!!

Carter is still having trouble breathing but no more fever or constipation.  He is our happy boy again!!!  Here he is learning how to walk behind his toys.  He LOVES his CAT Work Truck!!!  It's his favorite!

Friday, January 6, 2012

My Poor Baby!!!

Wednesday around 1:00 we realized that Carter has not had a BM pretty much all day.  He seriously went from blowing out of his diaper like 5 times a day to not at all.  Weird.  But he was still playing and laughing so we thought we would give him a little more time to go on his own.  Well yesterday around 1:00 he was laughing and playing again and acted like nothing was bothering him.  Then literally 15 minutes later he was screaming, running 103.3 fever and breaking out in a rash.  ANNNDD he still is very congested.  he has not breathed out of his nose good for a week and has been congested for about 3 months.  And constipated.  So we call the doc and he makes room for us at 2:45 so he could have a look at him.

They did tests to see if it was RSV or the flu and they sent him back for yet another chest x ray. Third one!!  RSV and flu came back negative and his chest and lungs are inflamed.  So they sent us home with something to help him use the bathroom and another round of antibiotics (that's very thick and very very nasty you can imagine how hard it was to get it down him).

We have an appointment at Children's Hospital at the Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor on Feb. 16.  We were going to have to wait 5 months to get in there but my doc pulled some strings for us.

We had a horrible night last night and the only way he can sleep is in his swing because that's how he breaths the best.  But this morning he had the biggest BM of his life.  Praise the Lord!!!  It was allllll over him.  I was happy though.  I know he had to be miserable without having one in nearly 2 days.  He still has fever but we are giving him Tylenol every 4 hours on the dot.  Even with all of this going on, Carter is still a happy baby and I am counting my lucky stars for that.  I know it could be so much worse!! 

Big boy weighed 18 lbs 4.5 oz.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Daniel Fast

So, two of my new year's resolutions were to lose weight and become closer to God.  I want to lose weight for several reasons:
  1. I am wearing the same thing every week because most of my clothes still don't fit me.  I really don't feel like going out and buying a new wardrobe.  I only have about 5-8 more pounds but they are so hard to get rid of.
  2. I think I would feel so much better if I looked and ate better.  Lots of times feel just kinda sluggish because I don't eat things that are good for me.
  3. I want to set a good example for Carter on good eating habits.  He is not going to eat well if his parents don't.  End of story.
I want to be closer to God because as a Christian I need to know Him better than I do now.  My relationship is not where it needs to be with Him.  I need Him in so many ways in my life.  Being married and a parent is really hard!  I need God to be my rock.  When I come against a wall and I have so many questions I just want to be able to take a knee, have a conversation with him, and have some answers.  I want Him to lead me in the direction He wants me to go.  I want to become a more positive person.  Too many times I get a bad attitude and don't look on the bright side of things.  That's a horrible habit to start and I know it makes me look and feel horrible.

So, I have come up with a plan.  Well, actually I got my plan from someone else's plan.  I was reading my Aunt Patty's status and she said that she was going to start the Daniel Fast.  She told me to google it and I did.  You should too.  It's a fast that brings your body, soul and spirit closer to God. 

It's not like I am not going to be eating.  I can have three sensible meals a day with snacks, but there are restrictions.  No sugar, additives, bread, ect.  The website says to welcome and enjoy the hunger pangs and then control them with your focus on your goal and on God.

So my focus will be on my son and my marriage.  I want Carter to know God and I want to set the best possible example for him.  I want our marriage to lean toward and more Godly home: reading our Bible and praying together. 

Anyways...anyone want to do it with me? 

Oh...and just thought I should let all of you know...the piggies died Thursday.  No iron.  Sorry I have not mentioned that but I was too busy celebrating I mean mourning their death.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hunger Games

If you love to read...well actually even if you don't love to need to read The Hunger Games.  You will love it and will not be able to put it down.  I actually enjoyed it way better than the Twilight Series.   The movie is coming out March 23!!  I just bought the next book in the Hunger Games Series about 5 minutes ago.  It is called Catching Fire.  So this blog is going to be short and sweet so I can get to reading. 

Yesterday I took Carter over to Aunt Toshya's house.  I am so thankful for her because that is my time to get a lot of stuff done at my house.  There is really not a better feeling than having absolutely no laundry to do.  Every time I wash, dry, fold, and put up the huge pile in the laundry room floor, I always say that I am just going to do a load every night and keep up with it.  I am serious this time.  New year, new me.  We'll see how long this lasts.  But I honestly plan on it sticking. 

At 2:30 Nick and I went to pick up Carter and headed to Texarkana to get my new door.  It was the first time for us to take him to Texarkana without it being a doctor appointment.  We went to Gander Mountain and hung out for a little bit, then went to Home Depot, and ate at Chilis.  He was a little angel the whole time.  You could tell that he really loved being with us.  He sat in the buggy and high chair like the big boy that he is.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Thursday night my husband came in the house with a very nice surprise for me.  I know all of you ladies will be so super jealous!!  I had told him that we are going to have to start thinking of a pet for Carter. I was thinking maybe, for starters, a gold fish.  And this is what he comes in with: 

Yes my friends, that is a little hog.  In case you didn't get it the first time....a HOG!!  A nasty, smelly, snorting messy hog.  And the best part is...there is not just one.  There are two babies.  How wonderful!  He and his uncle went hog hunting that day and they killed a big hog that he thought was by itself.  After they had shot it they heard squealing so they went over to see.  Two small babies...maybe a couple days old.  So Nick, being the baby-loving softy that he is, brings them home because he could not think of the thought of leaving them out there to starve or be eaten.  He said that if he would have known they there were two babies he would not have even thought about shooting it.  Yes, that is one of Carter's bottles and nipples that WILL be thrown away after the hogs are done with it.  I do love my husband.  Really.


What's Carter up to?  Being sweet and looking cute!!  He is over his little stomach bug issue.  He has learned to give kisses.  He is a little confused though.  When he leans in to give kisses he always ends up biting my nose, chin, cheek, ect.  Whatever he can get those teeth on he does.  It is so sweet though.  I know it is a horrible habbit for him to start but I can't bring myself to try to stop it.  He is starting to cry whenever I leave when someone else watches him.  I hate it but I just say you are ok, give him a kiss, and leave.  I never give in and pick him up because I hear that just encourages it.

He is really getting good with his feet and doing really well learning how to walk.  He hates the whole crawling thing and just wants to stand up and take steps.  When he pulls up on something he always lets go thinking he is bigger than he is.  He is getting very close to walking behind his walking toys.  He is nowhere near walking by himself or anything but he is doing pretty good.  We have had to lower his crib because he literally tries to lean over to get out of it.  Talk about a few minor heart attacks.

2011 has by far been my most memorable/special year of my life.  For so many reasons.  So, 2012, let's do this!!