Thursday, December 22, 2011


Soooo....I was supposed to be at work this morning at 5:45 and I rolled over in bed to look at the time and it said 6:12.  Ooops!!  I am looking a hot mess!  I have on jeans I wore yesterday and shoes with no socks on.  I did manage, however, to grab my makeup and toothbrush.  I did forget my breakfast and lunch though!  I don't get a lunch break so I guess I will starve.  Maybe my husband will love me enough and save me.  I have a slight bump on my head from where I hit the door while running out, but we won't go there!!!

I went to bed pretty late.  I stayed up making Carter's food.  I only have one steamer and everything that I made for him had to be steamed (except his oatmeal) and I had to do it one at a time.  Instead of Carter eating the same thing for lunch and dinner like he has been doing, I decided to make him two different meals for each day.  For breakfast he is going to have oatmeal and bananas, for lunch he is going to have cauliflower and applesauce, and for dinner carrots and pears.  Nick peeled the apples and pears for me because I usually cut myself every time.  Never fails!!  Plus, when I peel them, half of the apple comes off with the skin.  Nick thinks that Carter will hate the cauliflower and I think he will love it like he loves everything else, we shall see.

My Nana and I had a blast shopping together.  We did some damage!!  I really enjoyed that time with her.  I do get to see her nearly every day but since I have had Carter, we have not spent the whole day together, just me and her, in a very long time.  If there is a day that I don't see her, I call and we talk for at least 20 minutes (and we only live about 1.5 miles away from each other).  She is so much more than just a Nana to me.  She really is my best friend.  She is such an inspiration to me and I really hope that I become half the woman that she is.  She loves the Lord very much and she is a very hard worker.  I like to think that she is immortal and that she will be here with me forever.  She is in my prayers every night, along with Carter, before I go to bed.  She sure does love her great grandson!!

Is it bad that Carter will not open one thing from me or his daddy for Christmas?  The few things that I bought for him he is already playing with.  I just didn't go all out for him this year.  I know that he will get so much stuff from everyone else.  And do you really think that he NEEDS anything?  Not quite.  I am just going to have a blast seeing everyone and enjoying everyone's company.  I am really wanting to teach Carter what Christmas is all about.  It is not about the presents at all.  I know he is too young right now but I want him to understand the story of Christmas and that it is a time to give to people that actually need things.  Like food, water, and shelter.  Yes, he will always have lots of presents and we will make a big deal out of Santa, but I also want him to be aware that not all children get those things and it is a time to celebrate Jesus' birth.  Christmas is not about us at all and I think people lose sight of that.  Maybe I can make him understand by getting us really involved in the shoe boxes that we send all over the world...I don't know. 

Anywho, I don't know if I will get back on here until after the holidays.  I am sure we will be very busy.  So, Merry Christmas everyone, and Happy New Year!! 

What is your new year's resolution???  Lose weight?  Be more organized?  Study your Bible more?  Mine is all of the above!  Can I have three resolutions?

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