Tuesday, December 20, 2011

8 months

Well, another month came and went!!  It's crazy how that happens so fast.  I feel like it was a week ago that I wrote his 7 month blog.  What else is crazy is that in 4 short months I will be celebrating his 1st birthday.  AHHHH!!!  I can't wait but I just know that I will be the blubbering fool in the corner.  I cry each month so I can't imagine what I am going to do when he turns one.  He is not 8 months until tomorrow but I am going with my Nana to Texarkana to help her finish up some Christmas shopping. 

My Carter is growing up so fast.  I know I say that in every single blog that I post but he really is.  He has grown out of his night time bottle and drinking out of a sippy cup.  I am so very proud of him for catching on to things so quickly but then again it makes me so sad.  I have never ever ever been an emotional person.  My friend, Elizabeth McCrary has always told me that I am "cold" because the things that she thought was really sad, I would always laugh at.  But now, it's like I can cry at the drop of a hat.  When I see an animal being abused, a child not being taken care of, when Carter smiles at me.....bring out the tissues.  Being a parent has made Nick the exact same way.  At one point we had like 6 dogs because they were just dropped off on the side of the road.  The old Nick would have just taken the dog to the pound or not think a thing about it and just keep driving.  But no, we have to save EVERY animal in the world.


You are my little miracle that I just can't get used to.  I still get just as excited when I see you in the morning as I did when you were first born.  I absolutely love to show you off to anyone and everyone and I love how you smile at anyone and everyone.  You are just the cutest thing.  I love your care-free temperament.  You are just fine sitting in the floor by yourself, playing with a spoon, and watching cartoons so mom can get things done or get ready for the day.  I love how you love to learn.  You love your books more than any toy that you have.  You get so excited when you see me get one out and get so sad whenever we have to put it up.  I don't know where you got that from...definitely not from me or your daddy.  I love how you become a wild little maniac when you get excited about something...arms and legs just fly everywhere.  I love how you "sing" yourself to sleep every single night.  You try your hardest to stay awake and I guess singing helps you stay focused on that goal.  I love how you love me so much.  When something goes wrong and I am feeling down in the dumps all I have to do is just look at you and I forget about it.  I pray for you every night before I go to bed and thank God for giving you to me.  When I am not with you, I am constantly thinking about you.  I love discovering new things that makes you laugh.  When you laugh....it's not just a chuckle.  It's a belly laugh.  Sometimes you laugh so hard that you either lose your balance or get a little choked.  LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!   I love you more than you will ever know baby boy. 

Love,  Mom

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